Students discover more to Leadership… Three student council members explored leadership lessons at the Georgia Association of Student Council Convention at Rock Eagle (Eatonton, GA) on Friday Feb 24 - Sunday Feb 26, 2017. With over 600 delegates attending from across the state of GA, three delegates represented our school: 6th grade - Ian Bentley, 7th grade - Ashanti Wright, and 8th grade - Emmanuel Dawson; with only one other school attending from Richmond County Schools—Freedom Park MS, Fort Gordon. Delegates were involved in workshop sessions, listened to keynotes speakers and student speeches, explored team building, networked, discovered new and valuable experiences, met new friends, promoted school spirit and now return to look forward to guiding others at Hornsby. On behalf of themselves and the Jaguar Council, they are proud of Community Service Projects, Faculty & Staff Appreciation, Student Recognition, and upholding the mission of Student Council at W S Hornsby MS. Please ask these Jaguar leaders about their incredible exploration!
These students accepted the challenge: Explored Leadership skills, Discovered more about themselves-in order TO Guide other students to become leaders too!