Draft Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure


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Presentation transcript:

Draft Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure 25/02/2019 Undersea Feature Names Project Team for the Development of S-100-based Products Draft Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure SCUFN29 September 2016 Boulder, Colorado

Background TSCOM/SCRUM 2014 GEBCO products and services: 25/02/2019 Background TSCOM/SCRUM 2014 GEBCO products and services: available through GIS web map service Improved data structure definitions recognized by SCUFN, and in the IHO GI Registry. At the joint TSCOM/SCRUM meeting that took place in December 2014, the Chair of the GGC proposed that GEBCO products and services: Should be available through GIS web map service Have a data structure that could better accommodate user requirements. I Have definitions for undersea features as recognized by SCUFN, and included in the IHO GI Registry. Related Documents: S-100, S-99 and S-57 standards. Related Projects: GEBCO Technical Sub-Committee on Ocean Mapping (TSCOM) and Sub-Committee on Regional Undersea Mapping (SCRUM)

25/02/2019 Scope of Work Harmonize definitions in B6, S-57, S32, and S-100 GI Registry Feature Concept Dictionary Consider a new/updated model where UF could be better described Consider standardized symbology to portray UF Improve the specifications for UFN and show characteristics recoded in GEBCO database (call new specification S-1XX) New information used by the new/updated model, needs to be included in the S100 GI Registry Feature Concept Dictionary S-32 Hydrographic Dictionnary Record more characteristics of the features, from S57 to S100 S57 only shows the undersea features as an attribute of a general code call Sea Area. The list of undersea features that are available under that standard, are not complete when compared with the list of generic terms in SCUFN and the rest of the information that SCUFN records in the GEBCO database. Only the generic term and the name can be recorded. The S57 standard doesn’t allow the entry of more information SCUFN was asked to consider a different model where the undersea features could be better described. New information used by the new model, needs to be included in the S100 GI Registry Feature Concept Dictionnary. These could be used by others, developing extensions of the S100 standards.

25/02/2019 Project Team is needed To assess the draft scope of work and adjust, as required For Project planning: Plan steps from current S-57 to improved S-1XX and develop timelines To estimate required resources to complete plan along with key project milestones and designate the accountabilities of team members To implement the project plan, track and monitor progress To submit progress reports to SCUFN

Terms of Reference of Project Team 25/02/2019 Terms of Reference of Project Team Submitted to SCUFN after SCUFN28 Comments/approval from SCUFN29 Submit to HSSC8 (November 2016)

Undersea Feature Names Project Team 25/02/2019 Undersea Feature Names Project Team Draft Terms of reference and Rules of Procedure 1. Objective a) Consider Doc. SCUFN28-06B “Development of an S-100 Product Specification for Undersea Feature Names and Registering SCUFN terms in the IHO GI Registry” b) Establish procedures for the management and registration of undersea feature names approved by SCUFN and the management of proposals made to SCUFN c) Provide recommendations to SCUFN on the management of undersea feature names and the use of registers to record the proposals made to SCUFN and the names approved by the Sub-committee.   2. Authority The Project Team for Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN PT) reports to the IHO GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names, SCUFN. The Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure of SCUFN apply. 3. Composition and Chair a) The Undersea Feature Names Project Team (SCUFN PT) shall comprise representatives of IHO Member States (MS), Expert Contributors (EC) and observers from accredited NGIOs. The IHO Secretariat may also be represented. A membership list shall be maintained and posted on the IHO website. b) EC membership is open to entities and organizations that can provide relevant and constructive contribution to the work of the SCUFN PT. ECs shall seek approval of their membership from the Chair of the SCUFN PT. c) EC membership may be withdrawn, in the event that a majority of SCUFN PT members agree that an EC’s continued participation is either irrelevant or not constructive to the work of the SCUFN PT. d) The Chair of the SCUFN PT is designated by the parent body. e) If a Secretary is required, he/she should normally be drawn from a member of the SCUFN PT. 4. Procedures a) The SCUFN PT should work primarily by written correspondence and teleconferences. b) Decisions should be made by consensus. Dissenting opinions, if any, should be reflected in the SCUFN PT report. c) The SCUFN PT should liaise with other IHO bodies, international organizations, end users and industry to ensure the relevance and currency of its work. d) The SCUFN PT should report in accordance with its Work Plan.

25/02/2019 END of Presentation