Men's fashion from the 1940s included: polo shirts(99 cent) Men's suits were moderalty cheap as well with an all wool men's suit costing 28 dollars. MENS FASHION of the 1940s
Mens fashion of 1940 (continued) Men's suits costed near $45(cheaper than wool Dress shoes costed $4 Casual wear: Chino pants ($3) Shirts costed near $3 as well Mens fashion of 1940 (continued)
WOMENS FASHION DURING THE 1940'S Womens fashion in the 1940's consisted of squared shoulders, narrow hips and skirts that stopped below the knees. Blouses had padded shoulders
Do-it-yourself home fashions were encouraged Women wore gloves "Slacks"/Pants were becoming popular Womens Fashion pt.2
- At church they wore youthful overall styled dresses Teen's Fashion in the 1940's Girls wore many different styles during the 1940s that varied on the occasion - At church they wore youthful overall styled dresses - At dances they wore long A-line dresses - At home they wore men's clothing, such as button down sports shirts and rolled denim jeans
Many of the men and older teenager boys were off at war Teen Fashion ( cont.) Many of the men and older teenager boys were off at war -Teens wore pants instead of knickers -They wore suits and colorful ties -They also were colorful sport button down shirts
1940s Kitchen appliances In the 1940s many items were made better and more convenient in the kitchen -stoves and ovens were available both gas and electric and were available in larger and smaller sizes - refrigerators contained a freezer section and were usually white like most kitchen appliances
Kitchen appliances ( cont. ) -Modern dishwashers were invented but most kitchens didn't contain them -the standing mixer was all the rage during the 1940's - kitchens were fitted for baking with a place for the standing mixer and storage for pans
household items in the 1940s w Two household items from this time period are the radios and the telephones. People used the radios for listening to music and broadcast news. People use the telephones for calling other people
Bibliography Works Cited McGlinchey, Stevie. "1940's Fashion Trends." Glamour Daze, 26 Oct. 2016, glamourdaze.com. ---. "1940's Fashion Trends." Glamour Daze, 26 Oct. 2016, glamourdaze.com. Sessions, Debbie. "What Dis Women Wear in the 1940's? 40's Fashion Trends." Vintage Dancer, 5 Aug. 2013, vintagedancer.com. ---. "What Dis Women Wear in the 1940's? 40's Fashion Trends." Vintage Dancer, 5 Aug. 2013, vintagedancer.com. University of Vermont, and Landscape Change Program. "Women's clothing." uvm.edu, 2011, uvm.edu. ---. "Women's clothing." uvm.edu, 2011, uvm.edu. Buran, Erin. “1930 - 1940's.” The Social History of the Telephone, 2 May 2012, telephonesocialhistory.blogspot.com/2012/05/1930-1940s.html. Schwartz, A. Brad. “The Infamous ‘War of the Worlds’ Radio Broadcast Was a Magnificent Fluke.” Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Institution, 6 May 2015, www.smithsonianmag.com/history/infamous-war-worlds-radio-broadcast- was-magnificent-fluke-180955180/.
Bibliography ( cont.) Sklaroff, Lauren Rebecca. “During Vietnam War, Music Spoke to Both Sides of a Divided Nation.” The Conversation, The Conversation, 8 Nov. 2018, theconversation.com/during-vietnam-war-music-spoke-to-both-sides-of-a-divided- nation-83702. Sessions, Debbie. “1940s Teenage Fashion: Girls.” VintageDancercom, 18 May 2015, vintagedancer.com/1940s/1940s-teenage-fashion-girls/. Sessions, Debbie. “1940s Teenage Fashion: boys and younger men.” VintageDancercom, 27 May 2015, vintagedancer.com/1940s/1940s-teenage- fashion-boys/. Devlin, Nicole. “What Teenagers Wore in the 1940s.” Our Everyday Life, 5 Feb. 2019, oureverydaylife.com/what-teenagers-wore-in-the-1940s-12531844.html. Smith, Michelle Powell. “Kitchen Appliances in the 1940s.” Homesteady, 26 Sept. 2017, homesteady.com/info-8083917-kitchen-appliances-1940s.html Mead, Trisha. “Period Perfect Kitchen: the 1940s.” Arciform, 4 Oct. 2014, insidearciform.com/2014/10/10/period-perfect-kitchen-the-1940s/
Pictures used www.smithsonianmag.com/history/infamous-war-worlds-radio-broadcast-was- magnificent-fluke-180955180/. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahU KEwja8ezzgLTgAhUoo1kKHc3SCasQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvintage dancer.com%2F1940s%2F1940s-teenage-fashion girls%2F&psig=AOvVaw04tDsxvWOgf1oMs24zt5dA&ust=1549985704498708 https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS831US831&q=boy+teen+fashi on+in+1940s&tbm=isch&source=univ&safe=active&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjz- ZrRx7bgAhXvt1kKHfzbBb4QsAR6BAgAEAE&biw=1584&bih=780&surl=1#imgrc= ubMNUrM-u_e9KM: