Nazi Germany Writing Frames
Nazi Germany Writing Frames Q1A) “What can you learn from Source….” (4 mark) One thing I can learn from this source is ... Evidence to support this is … Therefore…… Another thing I can learn from this source is .. Evidence to support this is …… Therefore… Q1D) “Explain why…” (8mark) One reason why…(WFTQ)… Evidence to support this is……. This meant that … Therefore …. Another cause of..(WFTQ)......was.… Evidence to support this is… This meant that …… Therefore… This MOST IMPORTANT cause was ____ because..... Q1B) “Describe the….” (6 mark) One key feature ..... This is a key feature because… Another key feature ........ This is a key feature because…… Another key feature ..... This was a key feature because…… (use the words in the question – it might not start ‘one key feature is but it could ask what the effects were so you would write ‘One effect was… This was an effect because…) Q2A/2B “Explain how…” (8 mark) One way …(WFTQ) …is…… Evidence to support this is to start with…….…… However this changed……. Therefore…………………………………………………… Another way …(WFTQ) …is…… Evidence to support this is to start with …….…………… However this changed…. Therefore…………………… This links to my point above because……. REMEMBER: Only answer ONE of these, not both! Q1C) “Explain the consequence/effect of….” (8 mark) One consequence/effect of....(WFTQ)....was.…… Evidence to support this is…… This meant that …… Therefore… Another consequence/effect of….. was… Evidence to support this is… This LINKS to my point above because....
In conclusion, …… the most important because……………………………………….. Q3A/3B “Was……. The most important/main reason why……” (16 mark) P – Yes, I agree the main reason for ……(WFTQ)…was…….…………………………. E - For example/give a fact……………………………………………….. E - This meant that…………………………………………………………. L - Therefore …………………………………………………………… P - This was the most important cause because…………………………… P – Another reason for … ……(WFTQ)… ……… was…….………. P - This was the second most important cause because……………… It was less important that ……..because ………………. ( P – Another reason for … ……(WFTQ)… ……… was…….………. It was less important that ……..because ………………. – THIS IS AN OPTIONAL PARAGRAPH. ) P - The least important reason for ………… ……(WFTQ)… …… was… P - This was the least important cause because…………………………… In conclusion, …… the most important because……………………………………….. However, they are all interlinked because………………………..