MIWP-6 status report & planning


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Presentation transcript:

MIWP-6 status report & planning Michael Lutz MIG-T meeting, Rome, 1-3 December 2015

MIWP-6 status Provide feedback and technical expertise for the development of the INSPIRE registry and underlying Re3gistry software sub-group members have provided feedback on technical issues and participated in the testing of new release candidates of the software and the registry service Based on a register federation testbed, to develop Technical Guidelines and Best Practices for an INSPIRE register federation considerably delayed due to limited participation by sub-group and few real examples from MS/communities work on the testbed has started, mainly supported by development from JRC and conceptual input from EEA work on the Technical Guidelines has been put on hold

Lessons learned Focus should be on practical examples as much as possible (instead of theoretical discussions) Face-to-face meetings in addition to web-conference might be helpful Testbed can only work when real examples and requirements (in this case of national/thematic registers) already exist and there is an active interest of the providers of such examples/requirements to participate in the testbed Additional development work, such as required for the register of registers (the entry point for the federation) can only be achieved by providing additional resources (in this case, through the ARE3NA ISA action)

Proposed changes to the sub-group ToR Proposal of the MIWP-6 sub-group to MIG Extend the deadline to 30/06/2016 Scope down the tasks of the group to work on the RoR prototype and federation testbed (including documentation) In June 2016, there should then be a discussion in the group and with the MIG whether the planned guidelines are needed in addition and whether the group should keep working Sub-group members and the ARE3NA project have indicated their willingness to keep supporting the work until May 2016