Hexawares Test Accelerator for eBaoTech® GeneralSystem Software
2 © Hexaware Technologies. All rights reserved. Hexawares Business Process Testing ( BPT) Accelerator Utilities Hexaware has created unique Business Process Testing (BPT) accelerator utilities which speed up the functional automation process. The essential utilities are: User Interface (UI) Scanner: Scans input controls in the application screens and creates business component (normally one business component per screen) Business Components Import Export (BCIE): Uploads components in file format from local drive to Quality Center and vice-versa Consolidator: Consolidates the sequence of business components in a given BPT script to create one consolidated business component Component Based Automated Script Efficiencies (CBASE): Reusable function library, associated with the business component Benefits of Hexawares 3 rd Generation BPT accelerator: Library of pre-built test components for Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and web applications Automatically scans the web pages/screen to generate all necessary business components Eliminates record/replay Significantly reduces automation script development time ROI is achieved faster due to the automated component creation Greatly reduces ongoing maintenance due to re- scanning capabilities Requires minimal programming
3 © Hexaware Technologies. All rights reserved. Consolidator The script is consolidated for performance using custom consolidator tool. Consolidator The script is consolidated for performance using custom consolidator tool. Component Library A library of components is automatically generated which interacts with UI scanner Component Library A library of components is automatically generated which interacts with UI scanner Import/Export tool The scanned components are uploaded to quality centre using custom BCIE tool Import/Export tool The scanned components are uploaded to quality centre using custom BCIE tool UI Scanner Client application is scanned using UI scanner UI Scanner Client application is scanned using UI scanner UI Scanner created components are stored in the library Library Components are exported to Quality Centre using BCIE The uploaded components are arranged to create Business process test/test case. All arranged components are consolidated to have one component/script Execution The automated scripts are executed using CBASE foundation and application specific libraries in combination with HPs QTP. Custom report logs are generated Execution The automated scripts are executed using CBASE foundation and application specific libraries in combination with HPs QTP. Custom report logs are generated Consolidated script Executed. HP Quality Centre UI Scanner Component Library Consolidator HP Quick Test Professional Drag and Drop The uploaded components are dragged and dropped into a sequence that replicates a business process flow. Drag and Drop The uploaded components are dragged and dropped into a sequence that replicates a business process flow. Hexawares Test Accelerator: Process and ROI Steps that needs to be executed for each test process Ready components of entire process
4 © Hexaware Technologies. All rights reserved. Value Proposition for eBaoTech® GeneralSystem Software Non-technical Building-Block approach to test design – non-technical Subject Matter Experts (SME) create fully functional end-to-end business process tests for eBaoTech GeneralSystem software testing using drag-and-drop without scripts Create and upload components automatically - Hexawares User Interface Scanner tool reads the metadata from Customer eBaoTech application instance and creates components automatically. Ease of Integration Testing – Inbound and Outbound interfaces to and from eBaoTech GeneralSystem with any application (Legacy or web-based) can be automated using the BPT accelerator. Repeatable and reusable - Pre-built components are easily uploaded and fully integrated with a centralized test management tool in minutes. Eliminate up-front development time - Enables your testing teams to begin test design process earlier in the Software Development Life Cycle. Reduce Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) - Reduce Test Maintenance costs by eliminating complex maintenance hassles. For more visit