Rise of Dictatorships, Totalitarianism, and Fascism By: Rise of Dictatorships, Totalitarianism, and Fascism
Post it note… 1. Define the word “dictatorship” 2. Is a dictatorship a good type of government? (Yes/No) Why????? Have you heard of the terms (totalitarianism and fascism)? Stand in the YES or NO corner.
Definitions Totalitarianism: Government that holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible. (Extreme censorship, 1 dictator in control) Fascism: Government with 1 dictator who makes all political, economic, and military decisions. Focus on extreme nationalism and military conquest.
Hitler Leader of Germany
Stalin Leader of the U.S.S.R.
Benito Mussolini Leader of Italy
Hideki Tojo Leader of Japan
Voki intorductions! Lets meet this terrible bunch!!
Characteristics of a Totalitarian/Fascist governments Dictatorship- Absolute Authority in one leader Dynamic Leader- Vision for the nation Government Control Over All Sectors of Life Business, family life, work, youth groups, housing, religion, education, the arts State Control Over the Individual Obedience Denies basic liberties Organized Violence Uses force to crush opposition
State Control of the Economy Very little personal freedom (speech, religion, property rights) Police Terror crush opposition Religious Persecution Control of the individual Propaganda Molding peoples minds Education Controlled by the government
Video: Characteristics of Fascism On your note card please write down the 14 characteristics of Fascism from the video.
Video: Characteristics of Fascism Think-pair-share Does the US have a Fascist government? Do you think a Fascist country would get along with a Democratic nation? Why? 4 corners: circle the characteristics that are represented in the pictures.