30 years that changed the world!!
“How was Jesus able to equip a group of uneducated men and women to do the things He did, and to be like him in such a way that when he sent them out, they changed the course of human history?”
Covenant and Kingdom Covenant and Kingdom are the two central concepts of the Old and New Testaments. In covenant two become one. As we enter into covenant with God we enter into our God-intended life: all I am belongs to God and all that is His belongs to me. The Kingdom is simply the expression of the rule of the king, Jesus, in our lives and the lives of those around us. Covenant is the way in which the Bible describes and defines relationship: first our relationship with God and then our relationship with everyone else. There are 3 essential elements of covenant: Father; Identity; Obedience Kingdom is the way in which the Bible describes and defines responsibility: first our responsibility to represent (re– present) God to the people we know and then to everyone else. There are 3 essential elements of kingdom: King; Authority; Power Up In Out Developing a life style that reflects: upward relationship with God; inward relationship with fellow believers outward relationship with not yet Christians
Everyone get to play!!!! “witnesses”
“witnesses” Its not about being an evangelist or something you are not Its about your story about you and Jesus… “witnesses”
What are you seeing God do right now? Acts 8: 4 What are you seeing God do right now?
Covenant reality… my….. witnesses
The specific key we’ve discovered to recognizing Persons of Peace is basically this: the willingness to risk meeting “Persons of Unpeace.” Are we willing to cross the line and risk the scorn of the world so we can recognize Persons of Peace and thus join Jesus in the restoration and healing of people’s lives? Acts 16: 13, 14 Take a risk