How do spins interact with their surroundings?
Zeeman effect: Flip spins along magnetic field (Origin of Stern-Gerlach) B H = - m.B = -gmBBSz mB =qħ/2m = 9.27 x 10-24 J/T ≈ 60 meV/T ‘g’ factor ~ 2 for electrons
1 0 0 -1 Magnetic field splits the energy levels B = 0 B ≠ 0 1 0 0 -1 H = -gmBBSz = -gmBBħ/2 B = 0 B ≠ 0
D Ferromagnet: Internal B field can split levels E EF H = - JS1.S2 k H = - JS1.S2 J is the exchange parameter EF E k Internal field B ~ J<S> D
1 0 0 -1 Can we transition between the spins? H = -gmBBSz = -gmBBħ/2 1 0 0 -1 Need (i) an off-diagonal term coupling the states for transitions E.g., a field along the x-axis (ii) a resonant AC field to provide the transition energy
1 0 0 -1 0 1 1 0 Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) B B1coswt H = -gmBBSz = -gmBBħ/2 1 0 0 -1 H1 = -gmBB1(t)Sx = -(gmBB1ħcoswt)/2 0 1 1 0
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) B B1coswt iħ/t = [H + H1(t)] y y Solve analytically using some approximations or numerically
Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) B B1coswt P(t) So we can transition between spins with a suitable field
What about internal fields? Exchange fields in metallic magnets Spin-orbit fields in semiconductors
Spin-Orbit coupling + Electron orbiting in electric field of nucleus
+ What the electron sees B ~ v x E Nucleus orbiting, creating a net current and thus DRUMROLL…. a magnetic field !!
+ What the electron sees The Zeeman coupling of the electron spin to this motional field is the Spin-Orbit effect (within a factor of 2) H ~ -S.B ~ S.(p x E) ~ S.(p x r)dU/dr H ~ -S.L(dU/dr)
S-O coupling: Various manifestations Atom: Gives rise to Hund’s Rule Solid: Split-off states in valence band Gated transistor: Rashba coupling H ~ S.(p x r)E ~ r.(S x p)E ~ (sxky-sykx)Ez
Spintronic Devices
Read: GMR, TMR, spin valves (Memory, Sensors)
Write: MRAMs Rotate with field Write: STTRAMs Rotate with current Write: STTRAMs Rotate with current Also Rotate with strain (multiferroics)
Computing: Datta-Das “FET” H = aR (sxky-sykx)Ez Use Rashba field to rotate spins in a modulator with a gate
Computing with 104 spins NkTln(pon/poff) for N charges ~kTln(pon/poff) for N spins !!
Using spin for computing All spin Logic Memristors MQCA
Summary: Spin is a new variable. It can be used for energy-efficient Computing Q Transport to calculate Spin current