The Counseling Department’s Program RESULTS
For students currently in Office Discipline Referrals 463 in 2015-16 270 in 2016-17 (thru May) For students currently in 3rd grade 44 thru May of this year 89 last school year Behavior Goal As of May 30. Data may change during final week of school.
Majority of 3rd & 5th graders improved their study skills scores Increase in “decline in total study skills score” may be due to students realizing they didn’t have good study habits Related to Academic Goal Final data on reading grade not available until June 8th.
As of May 30. Data may change during final week of school. Attendance Goal – Closing the Gap Goal 46% achieved the goal of less than 10 unexcused absences in the 2nd semester 62% improved their attendance in the 2nd semester
4 out of 5 Leadership Group members were inducted into Results from the 4th grade Leadership Group 4 out of 5 group members applied for and were inducted into NEHS 2 of the 4 members were elected into NEHS officer positions for the 2017-18 school yr 5th group members stated he is not returning to Bruner next year so he didn’t apply. 4 out of 5 Leadership Group members were inducted into National Elementary Honor Society
17% = 5 teachers 52% = 15 teachers 24% = 7 teachers 7% = 2 teachers 69% thought the Harmony program benefited their students
7% = 2 teachers 52% = 15 teachers 38% = 11 teachers 3% = 1 teacher 97% implemented at least some aspects of the Sanford Harmony Program