No going back! Or is there?


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Presentation transcript:

No going back! Or is there? Mathematics: Multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a two digit number using a formal written method. Divide numbers up to 4 digits by a one digit and interpret remainders. Compare and order fractions whose denominators are multiples of the same number. Identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction, represented visually including tenths and hundredths. Bar modelling : As a whole school we will focus on using the bar model as a tool to visualise and then solve Maths problems. RE: Mission Children will explore that the experience of community is an essential and enjoyable part of life for people of every age and faith. It is a time to remember how much there is to celebrate and a time to know that God’s love is offered and made visible here and now in Jesus and in people. Memorial sacrifice. Children know that being thoughtful for life, for people and gifts, is a vital part of our relationships with one another. Children will explore the Eucharist part of the Mass. PSHE : Health and wellbeing theme focussing on ‘Growing and Changing’ and ‘Keeping safe’. History : Legacies of ancient Greece: Philosophers, Olympics, education and Theseus- is there any truth in the myth? Geography Case study of a region in Europe - The French Alps Identifying human and physical characteristics of a region in Europe. Describing & understanding climate, rivers, mountains of a region. Understand distribution of resources in a region. . French Etre and Avoir (the conjugation of high frequency verbs) reading poems and stories. Describing personalities. No going back! Or is there? Year 5 Spring Term 1 2018 – 2019 Key Dates E Safety Day – Tuesday 5th February Year 5 Elm Class Assembly 9am – Friday 18th Jan Weds 23rd Jan Learning Journal going home – ‘My Universe’ NSPCC Assembly for all Juniors Year 5 Workshop at 10.45am Fri 8th Feb 5 Sycamore Class Assembly 9am Weds 13th Feb Year 5 Birch class Assembly 9am Literacy: Persuasive writing We will read and evaluate letters intended to inform, protest, complain & persuade, exploring the idea of truth/bias; how opinion can be disguised to seem like fact. Suspense writing Our focus texts will be the Alex Rider stories. Using this as an inspiration, the children will explore features of suspense to support them in writing their own suspense, adventure story. Spellings Explore, practice apply rules to a range of activities Taken from National Curriculum Y5 word list Music :Livin’ on a prayer Children will practise  playing Livin' On A Prayer,  learning to sing, play, improvise and compose with this song, children will listen and appraise other classic rock songs . DT :Pop up books Research, looking at mechanisms, card craft, evaluation target audience and design brief. Please BRING IN any pop up books you have at home to help you in your project. PE: Gymnastics: Balance Symmetry and asymmetry, partner/groups, floor to apparatus Invasion games : Basketball Dribbling, shooting and passing skills. Rules of the game. Computing - We are Artists : Children will use Scratch software and Inkscape to explore and create tessellation art work. Using Cyberpass children will learn how to stay safe on the web. Science : Earth and Space continuation

Homework - Literacy: Given Friday, due Wednesday . Maths: Given Friday, due Wednesday . Spellings : Home Friday , due Wednesday . Reading diary: Minimum of three entries per week checked on Friday with parent initials. Maths diary: All week, 1 entry, due Monday . Retrospective of week before.