Strategic Stewardship Parish


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Presentation transcript:

Strategic Stewardship Parish Building on Solid Rock

There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. 1 Corinthians 12: 4-6

Building on Solid Rock Welcome Discovering the U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter “Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response” Laurie Whitefield Strategic Planning is Good Stewardship Kevin Lynch Beginning Your Parish’s Strategic Plan

The Four Pillars of Stewardship Hospitality Prayer Formation Service + Perseverance Hospitality is first. Because if we are not inviting and welcoming who is going to want to pray with us? Without prayer, who can be formed Without formation, how is our service correctly directed. And the fifth is Perseverance because stewardship is long and sometimes a meandering journey

Stewardship can Dance (0:00) Today we will learn more about what it will take to embark on our stewardship journey, So let us watch a movement happen, start to finish, in under 3 minutes, imagining what a stewardship movement could look like in our parishes. If you believe in the mission, you need to be a gutsy leader to stand alone invite cynicism and look ridiculous to the uninitiated, but most of all persevere. We will now join a guy who has been filmed dancing by himself for almost 10 minutes. Just like when we are moved to start something new, someone will check us out. Not feeling part of it the guy is unable to commit; the second guy leaves. (:14) Our dancer perseveres and keeps inviting; Confident, his dance is, so simple that eventually, someone else will join. Now he has a friend. Just like our dancer, Our stewardship efforts must be easy to follow! If others see it as simple to follow, they will take the risk. For, without followers, you are a lone nut. We have buy-in. A first follower, this is crucial.    (:47) This is important. He realizes his prior mistake and we see our dancer welcome his first follower, they communicate, and the leader now forms the first follower. It is essential to remember that welcoming and nourishing our first followers is necessary to move the mission forward. Now nourished and in service, the first follower invites others to join them. Together they publicly show everyone else how easy it to use their gifts. (:56) Not only does the leader embraces the first follower and he rejoices in his followers own gift of dance. Encouraged and grateful the first follower tries, even more of his gifts, sometimes mirroring his leader but often in his own way. Just as it takes guts to be the leader, it takes guts to be a first follower! Without perseverance, the whole thing could fizzle. (1:19) Encouraged and realizing he can use his own gifts, we have a second follower. It is not about the leader and his friend anymore - it is about mission. Now it is not a lone nut, and it is not two nuts. Three is a crowd, and a crowd is news. See how the new follower is welcomed and celebrated by the leader To get further success milestones must be public. Celebrate successes no matter how small. The leader welcomes and celebrates. The formation is necessary to make sure others see more than just the leader. Everyone needs to see the followers because new followers emulate followers - not the leader. (1:35) As successes are celebrated, others will want to join in! Two more, then three more. Now we have what experts call critical mass. This is the tipping point! It is no longer strange; others jump in. If there were others who were afraid they did not have anything to offer before, they quickly realize there is no reason not to join. Other are encouraged knowing that they will not be ridiculed, knowing they will be formed, and they will be part of the in-crowd. Each offering their own gifts and be formed by the community. In the remaining minute or so, we will see what is possible if we are welcoming, pray, open to formation, and persevere; service to the community will be formidable. (2:00) So, what can we take away from our Stewardship Dancer? Remember the importance of hospitality, inviting and nurturing your first few followers treating them as equals, making everything clearly about the mission. Pray and communicate Be public. Be easy to follow! Let other form and use their gifts the best way that suits them (2:45) However, the biggest lesson here The first step to making a stewardship a way of life is to be courageous and unceasingly inviting and welcoming to others. While the first followers emulate leader, people follow people. Inviting, welcoming, praying, and forming the first followers is crucial. Just like Christ did with the Apostles. Just as we are called to do today. While there is no stewardship without hospitality, prayer, formation, and service. We must remember like the dancing shirtless guy the unimaginable happens when we persevere.

The Stewardship Dance Take Away Hospitality = Invite and Welcome, rejoice in the other Prayer = Communicate openly and discover your gifts Formation = Lead by Example and help others discover their gifts Service = Allow others to use their unique gifts to serve Persevere = Endure