Our Featured Property 1385 W. University Ave. #11-186 Available for Immediate Move In! 2 Bedroom & 2 Bathroom Condo $1400 Rent / $1600 Security Deposit AVAILABLE NOW Located on the Westside in The Arbors, Close to NAU and Bus Stop, Large Covered Deck, Downstairs Unit, Washer & Dryer, One Covered Parking Space, Clubhouse, ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED! Assistive Animals Only Please. College Students Welcome! If you are interested, please stop by our office to check out keys! 518 N. Beaver Street, Suite C • Flagstaff, Arizona 86001-3020 Bus. 928/774-7115 • Fax 928/774-3335 flagpm@npgcable.com • flagstaffpropertymanagement.net