Senior Phase Curriculum Design for Pupils S4 TURRIFF ACADEMY Senior Phase Curriculum Design for Pupils S4
Key Features of Senior Phase Choice at end of S3, S4 and S5 Planned pathways Broad General Education (BGE) will support transition to Senior Phase Broad General Education (BGE) should not predetermine pupil options as they move to senior phase
Key Features of Senior Phase S4 – S6 will be viewed as a single S4-S6 cohort - based upon level of course rather than year group in most areas Plan for different pathways for progression to meet the varying needs of the learners Courses will be designed to be delivered over a single academic year Access to courses only if recommended by dept.
COURSES National 3 – Fully internally Assessed National 4 – Internal Assessment and Value Added Unit National 5 - Units plus some coursework and an external exam Higher – All new CfE Highers - units plus some coursework and an external exam New Advanced Higher Pupils will be encouraged to aim for the highest level possible
Developing the Young Workforce S4 College Courses in partnership with NESCol or SAC as appropriate Focused Work Experience for S4 National 4 leavers during study leave time in May
= 16 Qualifications + Leadership and Achievement Awards Exit qualifications S4 – 6 Courses including English and Maths at National 3, National 4 or National 5 plus core subjects - PE, PSE, RMPS S5 – 5 Courses at National 3, National 4, National 5 or Higher (x 5 periods each + PE and PSE) + possibly Leadership S6 – Up to 5 Courses at Advanced Higher (3 teaching periods), Higher or National 5 (x5 periods each) + possibly Leadership. No free columns for S6 pupils. = 16 Qualifications + Leadership and Achievement Awards
POSITIVE DESTINATIONS Aim of All Senior Phase pupils Work, College, Training or University Individual appointments with Year Head Careers Advisor appointments Input from Guidance in PSE
S4 Choices
For further information…. lisa.o’