Grade 9 L1 Ms Oliver
Get ready to start… Have a Process Journal/BLOG: (Notes /sheet music, Teacher Diary). -Easybip: Twitter: @FairviewMusicB Garageband or music Software APPs.
Pictures a musical, Opera, World Musical theatre piece Jump on Padit Find as many ‘images linked to the title as possible in 3 minute. ADD: When YOU think of music WHAT DO YOU Think off LINK TO TYPE IN
Tuning in: Welcome to music High Expectation and Excitement for this quarter? .. GREAT! In ‘Table teams’ set your Class Expectations: FINISH All about you Sheet Leave page 1 – Page 2: LO’s ( WALT) for today. Complete the Unit information in your Journal for this Quarter. Write the Questions – Set up a Diary page or Teacher comment box
KL class notices! We expect you to have and use your Process Journal. Images and quotes on Wordpress/google drive project. YOU are a leaders, so help everyone! Use your IPAD, Laptop or Camera etc as you practice, take notes etc. Then place in your journal. Bring Headphones. WE all perform, learn – if you have your instrument bring it with you.. Show us! Social Media: ALL FLIP’s, Research, games are on FAIRVIEW MUSIC SITE. Respect the room – chairs away, no Rubbish.
LO; WALT – Learning Objectives LO: Know and discuss the requirements in Music, and expectations of the Unit. LO2: Identify, name and show the different music elements ( Pitch, Rhythm, Metre) in listening, and/or performing All that JAZZ LO3: tell or show own opinions, tastes and understanding of a global musical theatre
Process Journal/BLOG Show Ideas & Thoughts every lesson. Explain, Describe.. NO simple List! Think diary in a Journal Have a conversation though questions to teacher find research, image your progress Annotate… Your book is marked Per Week Criteria A,B,C,D Any help email, Managebac or even online google form discussion. TABLES; HAVE HELP SHEETS FOR YOU!!
Finding Out: Global Musical Theatre Add IPAD/Camera Images, reference quotes, video clips etc upload and stick into journal. Global Context: Personal and Cultural expression Key Concept: Identity Related Concept: Aesthetics and Style Statement of Inquiry: Stylistic aesthetics presents a debate of social and cultural expectance, in the goal of perceived taste LO: Know and discuss the requirements in Music, and expectations of the Unit.
Inquiry Questions: W1 Factual: what is a musical? Conceptual: how is a musical and opera similar but also different? Why do you think musical theatre hasn’t died out despite us now having TV, internet etc.
Musical – Name them!? Hum, name, Stay a Line from that show?
Musical Booklet - Template Create a Mind map of every musical you can think of…..
You tell me about…Musicals from across the world. You are up against the Egg timer… QUESTIONS TO MS..
Listen & Watch: Les Miserables
Up and go: ‘Colour teams You are going to be moving and working in groups. -Make new friends today! -Discuss your ideas before performing. LO2: Identify, name and show the different music elements in listening, creating a mini Film Music 'music element' composition
The concept: Musical: Broadway ? West End?? Where are they? What Are they? Who performs there? Why the different names? 1 minute to discuss, note down ideas. In your journals musicals in Broadway and the West end are…… ADD FACTS & IDEAS TO PADLET
Opera Verses Musical – Round 1!
DEBATE: Broadway Verses Opera Your in new teams. ‘You challenge is to explain the History and key facts about Musical theatre. Gather & produce a fact timeline. It will be built upon per week.
Finding those facts: Musicals Verses Opera: In groups ‘put together a ‘positive brainstorm’ everything you need to know about Musical or Opera. Create a Storyboard of the each section ideas. FIND 1-3 Facts on Your musical. KEY WORDS; Hunt them down… ‘Operetta / Vamping / Narration / Performing arts/ Aria/ Vaudeville, Burlesque………………………. Musical Opera 1st Musical Famous Musicals start Where performed Famous Musical performers 1st Opera Famous Operas start Famous performs today!
STOP – Brain progress update LO3: tell or show own opinions, tastes and understanding of a global musical theatre ANSWER INQUIRY QUESTION 1 & 2! ASK YOUR BUDDY, LOOK AT THE GROUPS ANSWERS
ALL THAT JAZZ: The Introduction Colour Pairs: ‘choice ‘record & Play or Perform live! CHORDS TUNE: Count!
Musical Elements All that Jazz Watch the opening… Which elements are used, and you have been playing!!
STOP – Musical Performance LO2: show the different music elements (Pitch, Rhythm, Tempo, Dynamics, Metre), performing all that Jazz. .
Questions; What do you think? Why do you think musical theatre hasn’t died out despite us now having TV, internet etc. Back up your answers with film facts, and write in sentences!
Conclusion - reflection Time to reflect and write up for achievements and key words of learning. Remember the expectation of ‘summary by explaining and describing ( NO LISTS) LO – State & Explain the unit you are learning LO; Team work to perform all that Jazz. LO Listen, gather, explain difference between opera & Musical
FLIP –on Fairview Music Blog. Musicals! What’s Peaking Opera? . Homework & FLIIP Write up a summary of your learning today – Use the Music terms, with a diary to Teacher with questions…. Complete or use as reference Musical Booklet. (Garage Band you can keep going to make the arrangement!) FLIP –on Fairview Music Blog. Musicals! What’s Peaking Opera? .