WESTERN MOUNTAINS AND PLATEAUS LANDFORMS WESTERN MOUNTAINS AND PLATEAUS Pacific Ranges- Sierra Nevada, the Cascade Range, the Coast Range, and the Alaska Range Alaska Range has the highest peak on the continent- Mt. McKInley at 20, 320 ft.
Stretch 3,000 miles from New Mexico to Alaska ROCKY MOUNTAINS Stretch 3,000 miles from New Mexico to Alaska Parts of Rockies are higher than 14,000 feet
Fill the areas between the Pacific Range and the Rockies PLATEAUS Fill the areas between the Pacific Range and the Rockies Grand Canyon walls plunge 6,000 feet deep Death Valley is the hottest and lowest part in the U.S
East of the Rockies and extends 300 to 700 miles GREAT PLAINS East of the Rockies and extends 300 to 700 miles
Extend 1,500 miles from Quebec to central Alabama Canadian Shield A Giant core of rock on the Hudson Bays Appalachian Mnts. Extend 1,500 miles from Quebec to central Alabama
RIVERS FROM THE ROCKIES AGUA RIVERS FROM THE ROCKIES High ridge of the Rockies is called the Continental Divide DIVIDE-a high point or ridge that determines the direction that rivers flow Headwaters- the source of river waters Tributaries- small river or stream that feeds into a larger river
MISSISSIPPI RIVER Flows 2,350 miles from its source Begins in Minnesota ends in Gulf Swells to a width of 1.5 miles
ST. LAWRENCE RIVER One of Canada’s most important Flows for 750 miles from Lake Ontario to the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the Atlantic Ocean A border between US and Canada
FALL LINE Where the higher land of the Piedmont drops to the lower Atlantic Coast
Popular Tourist attraction Niagara Falls Popular Tourist attraction On Niagara River and it borders Ontario and New York State A major source of hydroelectric power
Great Lakes- carved by glaciers thousands of years ago H uron O ntario M ichigan E rie S uperior
U.S and Canada contain petroleum and natural gas FUELS U.S and Canada contain petroleum and natural gas Texas and Alaska rank first and second in oil reserves
TIMBER Forest once covered much of N.A but now only cover ½ of Canada and 1/3 of the U.S FISHING Fisheries- areas for catching fish and other sea animals Grand Banks- covers 139,000 square miles off Canada’s southeast coast