Endangered Species By
Sources/Bibliography Include Authors, title of source, year of publication, publisher, pages used. For internet sources on text and pictures you must include web address and author and site. If no author is listed, don’t use the site.
Scientific classification Kingdom Phyllum Class Order Family Genus species
Biome/Ecosystem where its found Be specific- “rainforest” is not acceptable Example: Tropical rainforests between latitudes 15 N and 35 N in Southeast Asia. Put countries on the next page Put a world map of their location here.
Where the animal is found Countries/continents Specific forests/ preserves etc. Regional map (countries)
How many are left and how is it listed Critical endangered threatened?
Specific Adaptations for survival in their habitat Not acceptable:Teeth and claws Acceptable- canine teeth and molars and non retractable claws. not acceptable-spots Acceptable-ring shaped spots and a seasonal color coat that help them blend with rocks in summer and snow in winter
Foods they eat Be accurate and if possible fairly specific. Your ability to be specific will depend on the animal you chose and how much is known about it.
Animals that eat them Don’t forget decomposers
Food web that includes your animal Remember a web not a chain Human Coyote Turkey Bison Grass hopper Grass Decomposers
Specific Reasons they are endangered Habitat Invasive species Population Pollution Over exploitation
Critical role they serve in the ecosystem Are they keystone species, or indicator species or umbrella species? Are they important to human survival? Survival of other keystone species?
Programs that work to conserve this animal