New York Dialect Warmup Time!
Vowel Subs – “ee-a” for “aa” And, hand, answer, Nebraska, Laugh yeah, disaster Grandpa and grandma answered the letter from Nebraska The Batter hit a three bagger that fell on the grass Yeah, imagine, Sam and Annie was Laughing Vowel Subs – “ee-a” for “aa”
Vowel Substitutions – uh for er Her, blur, stir, Dodger, further, letter, talker, feller Her purpose was to further stir the batter. The taller sailor was the main talker. Vowel Substitutions – uh for er
Vowel Substitutions – ay-uh There, where, care, fare There was little care for the fare. The Bear did not dare leave his lair. Vowel Substitutions – ay-uh
Nasal “AU” Town, now, round, about, bound How about right now? Myrtle was bound to get around town. Nasal “AU”
Dipthong Changes – uh-r Thirty-third, bird, girl, work, jerk, person, permanent, certainly, world, curl The girl works on 33rd street. This jerk is certainly a permanent person. Dipthong Changes – uh-r
Dipthong Changes – ee-uh Hear, fear, clear, near, Come here without fear. Dipthong Changes – ee-uh
Dipthong Changes – oo-uh Your, sure, endure, pure You’re sure the water is pure? Dipthong Changes – oo-uh
Consonant Changes – ooh-ah for aw Audrey, talk, off, horse, because, normal, moth, caught, across Audrey, I talk because it’s normal to talk. Get off the horse at the corner. The moth was caught in the storm. Consonant Changes – ooh-ah for aw
Consonant Changes – “terminal r” War, warm, far, farm, gear, star, year They don’t care if they are far from the war What is the form of the dfare this year? Consonant Changes – “terminal r”
Consonant Changes – “terminal ing” Running, throwing, walking, talking ending Seven persons were running to open the cabin. They’ll be throwing things from this standpoint by and by. Consonant Changes – “terminal ing”