Welcome to Year 3 3AS & 3LC
3AS – Class Teachers Mrs Selby (Monday to Thursday) & Mrs Cunningham (Friday) 3LC – Class Teacher Mrs Colbourn Year 3 Support Staff Mrs Smith Mrs Cox Miss Sheldon Mrs Hardwick
Our Year 3 Rules The Three Bees… Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe
Curriculum Literacy Numeracy Other Curriculum Areas Literacy linked to topic RWInc / SPAG Guided Reading twice weekly Handwriting Spoken Language One to one reading – Home Readers Numeracy Place Value, comparing and ordering numbers, problem solving Times Tables - weekly Other Curriculum Areas Science, History, PE, Geography, Music, ICT, RE, Art, Design and Technology, PSHE, French, Gymnastics
Topic Themes 2017/18 Autumn Predators / Tribal Tales Spring Gods and Mortals / Mighty Metals Summer Burps, Bottoms and Bile / Tremors
Visits and Topic Days Trip to Wild Zoo Stone Age Day RE Days Trip to Bantock Park Making Volcanoes
PE in Year 3 3AS – Friday 3LC – Monday: PE KIT Alternate Wednesdays (see Sports Timetable): GAMES KIT. Labelled kit – available everyday. LEAVE IT IN SCHOOL! Black shorts,white t-shirt (or house colour) and pumps. Games kit – joggers, jacket and trainers can be worn with pe t-shirt Jewellery – small studs only and hair tied back
Homework Home reading book Spellings – tested on Thursdays. Spellings given out at the start of every half term Maths – Times Tables on Fridays Half termly curriculum map with areas for research
Thank you for coming this afternoon. Finally, if you have any questions, queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to one of the Year 3 staff.