The GALFA Consortium Chris Salter (NAIC – Arecibo) GALFA-HI and GALFACTS (Courtesy: Steven Gibson) Chris Salter (NAIC – Arecibo) AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
GALFA Sub-Consortia H I Line (GALFA-H I) Continuum (GALFA-CON = GALFACTS) Radio Recombination Lines (GALFA-RRL) Each GALFA sub-consortium has its own membership and internal organization. All GALFA data will be made public through the National Virtual Observatory. AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
RRL Galactic-Plane Survey Survey for |b| < 5o Integration time of 300s Commensal with PALFA & ZoA projects Share a “Mock spectrometer” database with ZoA (Δv≈4 kms-1) Record H163α−H174α, plus He & C α-lines and H β-lines Co-add transitions to increase signal-to-noise “Leap-Frog” Pointing to provide ON/OFFs (PI: Yervant Terzian) Galactic Structure Chemical Abundances Warm Diffuse ISM HII Regions (Terzian & Lewis) AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
GALFACTS (GALFA Continuum Transit Survey) (GALFACTS Pilot Survey) Full-Stokes, all-Arecibo-sky, continuum survey. Employs meridian NODding scans with subsequent “multi-beam” basket- weaving to optimize zero-levels. Bandwidth = 300 MHz → Faraday tomography, Ip(x, y, RM). Use “winking cal” for best possible calibration. Use of an original multi-beam CLEAN. Calibration run in Oct 2008 was first scheduled observations with Mock spectrometers. First GALFACTS region (1h<RA<7h; 20°<δ<38°) observed Nov-Dec 2008. Now also observed at 327 MHz (Raja et al.) to provide finer resolution in RM for Faraday Tomography) AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
Mapping Technique: ZA Nodding + AZ Wagging P.I.: Russ Taylor Web Page: 14400 channels over 300-MHz bandwidth with “Mock spectrometer” Brightness sensitivity: rms~100 μJy/bm Meridian scanning speed ~1.5° per sec CIMA “Smart Basket-weaving” used Tracks after several passes ALFA beams These are “woven” together to optimize zerolevels. AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
GALFACTS (continued) Catalog of Poln. Percentage, Position Angle & RM for 50,000 sources → Galactic Magnetic Field Studies. Thermal-nonthermal separation of low- b Galactic continuum emission. Provide thermal brightnesses for use by GALFA-RRL. Studies of discrete Galactic radio sources (e.g. SNRs & HII regions). Studies of high-b Galactic Loops. Foreground removal for EoR and Planck full-Stokes CMB studies. GALFA-HI TOG2 commensal project. First GALFACTS look at the Galactic Center quadrant via commensal observations with I-GALFA. (GALFACTS precursor imaging of the Perseus Molecular Cloud region) AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
GALFA-H I Observations GALFA-HI Pointing Record as of 2009 February 26 GALFA-HI Pointing Record as of 2008 March 14 GALSPECT has 8192 channels over 7.14 MHz → 0.18 km/s/channel, and ± 750 km/s total coverage AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
GALFA H I Projects (Trms ~ 0.25 K) PRECURSOR I-GALFA/ZOA/ GALFACTS2 PERSEUS a1943 HALO CLOUDS DISK- HALO MBW/ZOA a2174/2294 a2056/2051 a2186/2144/2390 a2034 OUTER HALO HIGH-LAT TURBULENCE a2060 WINGS TAURUS SHELL a2055 a2004 a2172 a2221 a2050 a2172 a2011 a2187 a2011 a2222 a2032 HIGH-LAT CLOUDS TRUE FIL a2147 WATER FALL TIP MAG STREAM a2220 GEM OB1 COLD CLOUD a2130/2124 a2010/2059 a2048/2059 GALFACTS/TOGS2 ALFALFA/TOGS1 AGES/TOGS1 (Trms ~ 0.15 K) (Trms ~ 0.04 K) (Trms ~ 0.35 K) AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
I-GALFA Survey: 2008-9 I-GALFA Plane H I Survey VGPS SGPS CGPS 10 x IGPS sensitivity, 4 x velocity resolution AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
I-GALFA (low-b Galactic Center Quadrant) (PI’s: Steven Gibson & Bon Chul Koo) Cold HI Absorption in Molecular Clouds Cold HI Emission at Higher Latitudes Over 50% completed in 2008 Full completion expected during 2009 Commensal with GALFACTS2 Disc-Halo Interface AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
HI near Globular Cluster, Pal 4 (PI: Jacco van Loon) Earlier LBW study detected HI in metal-poor cluster, M15 (van Loon et al, 2006). New stringent HI upper limits placed on clusters M3, NGC 5466 & Pal 13. Pal 4 is the 2nd most distant known globular cluster (D = 109 kpc). Large HI HVC discovered near Pal 4. Is it coincidence, gas stripped from the cluster by interaction with halo gas, or could both be situated in a 108 Mo dark halo? AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
An IVC Towards Abell 1367 (PI: Kevin Douglas) Commensal GALFA-HI observations with EALFA-AGES of 10 fields. The Abell 1367 field is at b ≈ 70°−75°, and reveals possibly cometary IVCs. Brightness temperatures of the features are only 1K or less! AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
The Three Little Pigs (and a Friend) (PI: Josh Goldston Peek) Tiny clouds found at b ≈ 85°; Δθ ≈ 1'. VLA follow-up shows condensed cores , optically-thick, with TB ≈ 10K. Upper limits on OH emission from Arecibo. AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
GALFA Summary Small GALFA-H I projects completed 3 Sub-Consortia (GALFA-H I, -CON, -RRL) TOGS1&2 in progress; data analysis on-going I-GALFA and GALFACTS in progress GALFA-RRL/ZOA/PALFA starting soon All final GALFA datasets will be on NVO GALFA website: AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
End AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
GALFA - H I Projects 56% Mar 17 16% Mar 17 78% Mar 17 start ASAP start May 3 AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009
Full-Stokes Multibeam CLEAN Stokes I Dirty Image Multibeam Clean Image (HPBW=3.5°) (S. Guram, MSc Thesis, U. Calgary) NVSS Comparison (HPBW=0.7°) AUSAC Meeting · March 9 & 10, 2009