What are our top tips for Paper 1, Q5. Tues 5th June What are our top tips for Paper 1, Q5. Paper 2: Fri 8th June Remember – place yourself IN the picture. Pick 5 or 6 different things that you could describe within it. This is not the place to be macho or shy – Flowery wins here!!! Say A LOT about a little. Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
so make sure that you read what has come before you carefully. Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Today we are going to do a SHARED WRITE using this picture as a prompt. You will write one sentence (using a specified technique) onto a sheet of A3, which will then be passed on to someone else to continue. Hopefully, by the end, we will have 26 cohesive pieces of writing, so make sure that you read what has come before you carefully. Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 5th June Friday 8th June Step 1 – Purpose? Audience? Form? Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 5th June Friday 8th June Step 2 – Positive or negative? If you are unsure about this, look at the narrative question – there will be clues there! Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Circle 5 or 6 things which you could write a LOT about. Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Step 3 – Circle 5 or 6 things which you could write a LOT about. Some of them are likely to be feelings or senses, not just objects or features On a picture like this one, the majority of your response will need to come from internal feelings. Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Jot down some AMBITIOUS negative adjectives to describe the desert Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Step 4 – Jot down some AMBITIOUS negative adjectives to describe the desert ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 5th June Friday 8th June Write a powerful opening sentence, setting the emotion for the whole piece. 1st person start ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Add a sentence which begins with an adverb. Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Add a sentence which begins with an adverb. ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Add a sentence which contains a simile. Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Add a sentence which contains a simile. ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Add a sentence which contains fewer than 5 words. Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Add a sentence which contains fewer than 5 words. ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Add a sentence which begins with an adjective. Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Add a sentence which begins with an adjective. ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Add a sentence which contains a sense. Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Add a sentence which contains a sense. ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 5th June Friday 8th June Add a complex sentence. ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Add a sentence which contains hyperbole . Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Add a sentence which contains hyperbole . ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Paper 1: Paper 2: Tues 5th June Friday 8th June Add a fragment. ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Add a Description: Detailed sentence Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Add a Description: Detailed sentence ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Add a sentence which contains a triple. Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Add a sentence which contains a triple. ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Add a Double Adjective sentence. Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Add a Double Adjective sentence. ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Add a sentence which uses onomatopoeia Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Add a sentence which uses onomatopoeia ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Add a compound sentence. Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Add a compound sentence. ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Add a sentence which ends with a rhetorical question. Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Add a sentence which ends with a rhetorical question. ADJECTIVE LIST Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June You should now have a sheet in front of you which has 15 sentences (none of which should be your own). Read it carefully. Choose the sentence which you think is the best. Put a star next to it, and write why you like it. Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Whether it ‘scans’ – do all of the sentences fit together? Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Now edit the paragraph. Make any changes which you think would make the paragraph more powerful and / or cohesive. Think about – Whether it ‘scans’ – do all of the sentences fit together? Whether there is any repetition – improve / alter vocabulary to avoid repetition (unless it has been done on purpose!) Whether the sentences all start in a similar way (eg; the / the / the)- boring!!! Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June We should now have 26 perfect paragraphs, which contain a wide variety of descriptive techniques and structural devices! Let’s hear some of them! Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.
Create a tone and stick to it. Paper 1: Tues 5th June Paper 2: Friday 8th June Last thing! For the mock next week, please answer question 5 before you do section A. Remember, we are trialling it this way round to see whether the use of a guaranteed 45 minute slot may improve your grades. Get IN the picture. Create a tone and stick to it. Make sure you are fulfilling the purpose, audience and form. No dialogue! Do NOT let it turn into a story. Aim for at least 5 full paragraphs. Throw aside your embarrassment! Show off your poetic inner beauty! Use a variety of techniques and sentence types! Vary punctuation! Level 5 – write descriptively throughout your writing. Level 6 and 7 – consistently write descriptively to create a particular effect. Level 8 and 9– convincingly and compellingly write descriptively.