1945 fashion and house- hold goods By: Kiera Davis, Alexander Neeley, Kaleigh James, J.D. Harris, and Nevaeh Crayton.
1945 Women's Fashion With the rationing of food, clothes, and footwear during the war women were forced to work with what they already had Simple shapes and silhouettes were commonly made to save fabric The motto "Make, Do, and Mend" inspired women to repurpose household items such as blankets or pillowcases to create their wardrobe A uniform inspired suit or matching set was also popular due to the war
1945 Men's Fashion Due to WW2, early men's fashion in the 40's was simple and plain. Most fabrics had to be used for war uniforms, and most men were out fighting the war, so complex designs were unnecessary. The men who stayed home during the war wore simple, plain suits. After the war ended, with a new influx of resources, there was a fashion boom. More fancy patterns were used for clothing, and designs such as the 'Hawaiian shirt' became more prominent. A contrast from the simple, plain suits men were made to wear only a few years prior.
On the left are the types of dress worm before the war ended On the left are the types of dress worm before the war ended. On the right are the clothes made after the war ended, where America hit an economic boom and were able to invest in more complex and fancy patterns.
1945 Kitchen Appliances The kitchen configuration that we all know now, has its roots, like a lot of modern design, in the German school known as the Bauhaus. The kitchen, once the domain of servants, began to attract the attention of designers as domestic help became less common and middle-class women began to spend more time in their kitchens.
1945 Technology Some of the technology in 1945 there where new things to discover like when they were able to make a computer Other things that people would have in their homes or in the shops is a T.V. in their living room, bedroom, and the window of stores.
1940s Furniture 1940's Furniture is made mainly out of wood. The main distributor to America, for furniture, was Great Britain. Duck, sailcloth, damask, velvet, and cotton were all fabrics used to cushion furniture back then.
WORKS CITED Womens Fashion- http://www.catwalkyourself.com/fashion-history/1940s-1950s/ Men's Fashion- http://www.mensfashionmagazine.com/a-decade-in-fashion-the-1940s Kitchen Appliances- https://www.etsy.com/search?q=1940s+appliances+picutres&order=most_relevant&vie w_type=gallery Technology- https://womenandtechnologyproject.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/colossus.jpg?w=30 0&h=208 https://live.engadget.com/2010/04/12/unicat-retro-tv-channels-the-1940s-bidding- now-underway/ Furniture-https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305748812000928 https://www.google.com/search?q=what+type+of+fabric+is+used+on+furniture+in+19 45&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS836US836&oq=what+type+of+fabric+is+used+on+furniture+in +1945&aqs=chrome..69i57.28871j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF- 8&surl=1&safe=active