2.2 - Monitor Air Quality…! Take a DEEP breath… Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!
Now take another DEEP breath… 2.2: Monitor Air Quality Now take another DEEP breath… R.I.P. Science 9’s
2.2: Monitor Air Quality Air Composition: Nitrogen: 78% Oxygen: 21% Argon: <1% CO2: 0.03%
How do we solve this? 2.2: Monitor Air Quality ACID RAIN!! Sulfur Dioxide [SO2] Where does it come from?! - Industrial waste → Oil, Coal, Natural Gas ACID RAIN!! How do we solve this?
Scrubbers!! 2.2: Monitor Air Quality Power plants use these to REDUCE SO2 2SO2(g) + 4H2O(l) + 2CaCO3(s) + 02 sulfer dioxide + water + limestone + oxygen → 2CaSO4∙2H20(s) + 2CO2(g) gypsum + carbon dioxide Greenhouse Gas
2.2: Monitor Air Quality Nitrogen Oxide [NO(x)] Where does it come from?! - Generating plants and Industrial processes - Vehicle Combustion 2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g)
2.2: Monitor Air Quality Carbon Monoxide [CO(g)] The “silent killer”…why? What does it look like?... It doesn’t. How does it form?! - Motor vehicles, combustion of wood/natural gas, industrial processes… …even smoking - When there is not enough O2(g) to produce CO2(g)
Carbon Monoxide [CO(g)] 2.2: Monitor Air Quality Carbon Monoxide [CO(g)] When inhaled, CO(g) reduces the amount of oxygen carried in the blood… [FYI:] WHY?! …hemoglobin has a higher affinity to CO(g) than O2(g)
O2(g), N2(g), oxides, or VOC’s 2.2: Monitor Air Quality Ground-Level OZONE [03(g)] How are they formed? O2(g), N2(g), oxides, or VOC’s + Sunlight OZONE [O3(g)] VOC’s?! → Volatile Organic Compounds Found in nature, but mostly man-made
2.2: Monitor Air Quality Ground-Level OZONE [03(g)] So why is ground-level ozone so bad? It causes: -Respiratory problems: Especially for asthma, colds - Damage to crops: Wheat, soybeans, onions - Deterioration of plastics Damage here! …and over there! OH!…and some over HERE!!
2.2: Monitor Air Quality Check and Reflect!!!!