The Verilog Hardware Description Language
GUIDELINES How to write HDL code:
GUIDELINES How NOT to write HDL code:
Think Hardware NOT Software Poorly written HDL code will either be: Unsynthesizable Functionally incorrect Lead to poor performance/area/power results
Conventions Verilog IS case sensitive Syntax is based on C CLOCK, clock and Clock are different Syntax is based on C but is interpreted differently
Verilog code basic structure module module_name (ports); input input_signals; output output_signals; inout bidirectional signals; wire wire_signals; reg register_type_variables; primitive/component (ports); concurrent/sequential assignments endmodule
Port types PORT DIRECTION SIGNAL TYPE - IN -OUT -INOUT scalar ( input x; ) Vector (input [WIDTH -1 : 0] x)
Module port declaration example (1/2) module and_gate (o, i1, i2); output o; input i1; input i2; endmodule
Module port declaration example (2/2) module adder (carry, sum, i1, i2); output carry; output [3:0] sum; input [3:0] i1, i2; endmodule
Verilog Primitives Verilog primitives are models of common combinational logic gates Their functionality is built into the language and can be instantiated in designs directly The output port of a primitive must be first in the list of ports
Structural description example module gates (o,i0,i1,i2,i3); output o; input i0,i1,i2,i3; wire s1, s2; and (s1, i0, i1); and (s2, i2, i3); and (o, s1, s2); endmodule
Verilog operators Arithmetic Bitwise Relational +, - , *, Synthesizable /, % Non-synthesizable Bitwise & AND | OR ~ NOT ^ XOR ~^ XNOR Relational =, <, >, <=, >=
User-Defined Primitives Truth Table Models primitive my_UDP (y, x1, x2, x3); output y; //the output of a primitive cannot be a vector!! input x1, x2, x3; table //x1 x2 x3 : y 0 0 0 : 0; 0 0 1 : 1; 0 1 0 : 0; 0 1 1 : 0; 1 0 0 : 1; 1 0 1 : 0; 1 1 0 : 1; 1 1 1 : 0; endtable endprimitive
Truth tables with don’t cares //? Represents a don’t care condition // on the input //i1 i2 i3 : y 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 1 : 1 0 1 0 : 0 0 1 1 : 0 1 ? ? : 1 endtable
Blocking vs Non-Blocking Assignments Blocking (=) and non-blocking (<=) assignments appear in sequential (procedural) code only. Both are not allowed in the same block The assign statement in non-procedural code is non-blocking
Variable Assignment variable_name = value; //blocking assignment variable_name <= value; //non-blocking assignment Examples output a; output [6:0] b; reg [3:0] c; wire [2:0] d; Correct Incorrect a = 1; a <= 3; b <= 7’b0101001; b = 9’b000011011; b[1] = 0; c <= 0; d <= 0; d <= {b , c}; b <= {c, d}; b[5:2] <= c;
Blocking VS Non-blocking in Simulation module block(); reg a, b, c; // Blocking assignments initial begin a = #10 1'b1;// assign 1 to a at time 10 b = #20 1'b0;// assign 0 to b at time 30 c = #40 1'b1;// assign 1 to c at time 70 end endmodule module nonblock(); // Nonblocking assignments reg a, b, c; // non-blocking assignments initial begin a <= #10 1'b1;//assign 1 to a at time 10 b <= #20 1'b0;//assign 0 to b at time 20 c <= #40 1'b1;//assign 1 to c at time 40
Blocking VS non-blocking in Hardware Non-blocking assignments are closer to hardware behavior and should be preferred when describing flip-flops and registers.
Example Design an 4-bit shift register. Use first blocking and then non-blocking assignments for the flip-flops. Synthesize your descriptions. Which type of assignment corresponds to correct hardware?
Solution In Verilog, if you want to create sequential logic use a clocked always block with Nonblocking assignments. If you want to create combinational logic use an always block with Blocking assignments. Try not to mix the two in the same always block. module shift(Clk,sh1,a); output [3:0] a; input Clk,sh1; reg [3:0]a; always@(posedge Clk) begin a[0] = sh1; a[1] = a[0]; a[2] = a[1]; a[3] = a[2]; end endmodule
Propagation delay Used to assign variables or primitives with delay, modeling circuit behaviour # 5 and (s, i0, i1); -- 5 ns and gate delay #5 assign s = i0 & i1; -- 5 ns and gate delay #1 assign a = b; --1 ns wire delay Not synthesizable, is ignored by synthesis tools Useful in testbenches for creating input signal waveforms always #20 clk = ~clk -- 40 ns clock period #0 rst_n = 0; #10 rst_n = 1;
Concurrent statements –delta time b = ~ a; (a = 1, b = 1, c =0) c = a ^ b; Time a b c 0 1 1 0 δ 1 0 0 2δ 1 0 1
Continuous assignment Multiple driver error assign c = a & b; …. assign c = d | e;
Combinational circuit description module gates (d, a, c); output d; input a, c; //reg b; assign d = c ^ (~a); // assign b = ~a; // assign d = c ^ b; endmodule
Arithmetic unit description (full-adder) module add1 (cout, sum, a, b, cin); input a, b; input cin; output sum; output cout; assign {cout,sum} = a + b + cin; endmodule
Example Describe a 5-bit multiplier in Verilog. module Mul(res,a,b); output [7:0] res; input [3:0] a,b; assign res=a*b; endmodule
Conditional assignment - describing MUXs assign = select_signal ? assignment1 : assignment1 module mux (o, s, i0, i1); output o; input i0, i1; input s; assign o = s ? i1 : i0; //if s =1 then o = i1, else o =i0 endmodule
Cyclic behavior Statements in cyclic behavior execute sequentially Can be used to describe either combinational circuits (optional) or sequential circuits (only way) always @ (sensitivity list) begin sequential statements end
Combinational Circuit Description using Cyclic Behavior always @ (a or b or c) begin d = (a & b) | c; end ALL input signals must be in sensitivity list or latches will be produced!
If statement (sequential)– describing MUXs if (condition1) begin signal1 <= value1; signal2 <= value2; end else if (condition2) begin signal1 <= value3; signal2 <= value4; … else begin signal1 <= valuen-1; signal2 <= valuen; module mux (o, s, i0, i1); output o; reg o; input i0, i1; input s; always @ (i0 or i1 or s) begin if (s == 0) o = i0; else o = i1; end endmodule
CASE statement (sequential)– describing MUXs module mux (o, s, i0, i1); output o; reg o; input i0, i1; input s; always @ (i0 or i1 or s) begin case (s) 0: o = i0; 1: o = i1; default: o= 1’bx; endcase end endmodule case (signal) value1: signal1 <= value2; signal2 <= value3; value2 : signal1 <= value4; signal2 <= value5; . . . default: signal1 <= valuen-1; signal2 <= valuen; endcase
Example Describe a 3-bit 4-to-1 MUX module mux_4_to_1(o, s, i0, i1); module mux_3bit_4X1(o, s, i0, i1, i2, i3); output [2:0] o; input [2:0] i0, i1, i2, i3; input [1:0] s; reg [2:0]o; always @ (i0 or i1 or i2 or i3 or s) begin case (s) 2'b00: o = i0; 2'b01: o = i1; 2'b10: o = i2; 2'b11: o = i3; endcase end endmodule module mux_4_to_1(o, s, i0, i1); output [3:0]o; input [3:0] i0, i1; input s; mux u1(o[0], s, i0[0], i1[0] ); mux u2(o[1], s, i0[1], i1[1]); mux u3(o[2], s, i0[2], i1[2]); mux u4(o[3], s, i0[3], i1[3]); endmodule
IF VS Case The case construct, on the other hand, infers a big ol' mux: The if-else if-else construct infers a priority routing network:
CLOCKED PROCESS (Latch with asynchronous reset) always @ (clk or rst_n) begin if (rst_n == 0) q <= 0; else if (clk == 1) q <= d; end
CLOCKED PROCESS (Latch with synchronous reset) always @ (clk or rst_n) begin if (clk == 1) q <= d; else if (rst_n == 0) q <= 0; end
CLOCKED PROCESS (Flip-flop with asynchronous reset) always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (rst_n == 0) q <= 0; else q <= d; end
CLOCKED PROCESS (Flip-flop with synchronous reset) always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst_n == 0) q <= 0; else q <= d; end
for loop statement – shift register module shift_reg (o, clk, rst_n, i); output o; input i; input clk, rst_n; reg [3:0] d; integer k; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (rst_n ==0) d <= 0; else d[0] <= i; for (k=0; k <2; k=k+1) d[k+1] <= d[k]; end assign o = d[3]; endmodule
CLOCKED VS COMBINATIONAL PROCESS (1/2) always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (rst_n == 0) q <= 0; else case (c) 0: q = a; 1: q = b; default: q= 1’bx; endcase end always @ (a or b or c) begin case (c) 0: q = a; 1: q = b; default: q= 1’bx; endcase end
CLOCKED VS COMBINATIONAL PROCESS (2/2) always @ (a or b or c) begin d = (a & b) | c; end always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst_n == 0) d <= 0; else d <= (a & b) | c; end
Task and Function Read the file document file Task and function
Tasks and Functions A task begins with keyword task and ends with keyword endtask Inputs and outputs are declared after the keyword task. Local variables are declared after input and output declaration. Coding tasks separately allows them to be called from several modules
Functions Very similar to tasks Can only have one output Can call other functions but not tasks Timing delays are not allowed in functions A function begins with keyword function and ends with keyword endfunction inputs are declared after the keyword function. They can be called with an assignment
Task example begin flag=0; for (i=15; i>-1; i=i-1) begin if (binary[i]== 1 && flag==0) begin dp=i; flag=1; end else significand[i]=binary[i]; end exponent=127+15-dp; significand[8:0]=0; sign=0; fp={sign,exponent,significand}; endtask endmodule module FP_task(); task conv2FP; input [15:0] binary; output [31:0] fp; reg sign; reg [7:0] exponent; reg [22:0] significand; integer i; integer dp; integer flag;
Calling a Task module FP_task_tb (); FP_task UUT (); wire [15:0] number; reg [31:0] fp_out; assign number=9; always @ (number) conv2FP (number, fp_out); endmodule
Common Verilog Pitfalls
Name inconsistency Compile: error Severity: Trivial module wrong_name (o, i0, i1, i2); output o; input i1, i2, i3; assign o = i0 & i1 ^ i2; endmodule
Multiple unconditional concurrent assignments Simulation: ‘X’ value Synthesis: ERROR: signal is multiply driven Severity: Serious module … assign x = a & b; ... assign x = b ^ c; always @ (b or c) begin x <= b | c; end
Incomplete sensitivity list Simulation: Unexpected behavior Synthesis: Warning: Incomplete sensitivity list Severity: Serious Solution: complete sensitivity list always @ (a or b) begin d <= (a & b) | c; //c is missing from sensitivity list!!! end
Not assigning all outputs in combinational always block Simulation: Synthesis: Warning: Signal not always assigned, storage may be needed Severity: Serious Solution: assign all signals always @ (a or b or c) begin if (c == 0) then d <= (a & b) | c; //d assigned only first time, else if (c == 1) e <= a; //e assigned only second time!!! end
Unassigned signals Simulation: Undefined value (‘U’) Synthesis: Warning: Signal is never used/never assigned a value Severity: Moderate module … output y; input input1, input2; reg s; assign y = input1 & input2; //s never assigned endmodule
Output not assigned or not connected Simulation: Undefined Synthesis: Error: All logic removed from the design Severity: Serious module my_module (o, input1, input2); output o; input input1, input2; reg s; assign s = input1 & input2; //output never assigned endmodule
Using sequential instead of concurrent process Simulation: Unexpectedly delayed signals Synthesis: More FFs than expected
TESTBENCH Instructions module types module testbench(); forever begin // Inputs #5 clk=~clk; end reg clk; reg rst; end reg d; initial begin // Outputs # 20 rst=1; wire q; # 30 d=1; // Instantiate the UUT # 40 d=0; # 50 rst=0; Df d1 (.q(q),.clk(clk), endmodule .rst(rst),.d(d)); // Initialize Inputs initial begin clk = 0; rst = 0; d = 0; Lect. 3 module Df(q,rst,clk,d); output q; reg q; input clk,rst,d; always @(clk or rst) begin if (clk == 1) q <= d; else if (rst == 0) end endmodule
TESTBENCH `timescale 1ns / 100ps module testbench_name (); reg ….; //declaration of register variables for DUT inputs wire …; //declaration of wires for DUT outputs DUT_name(DUT ports); initial $monitor(); //signals to be monitored (optional) initial begin #100 $finish; //end simulation end initial begin clk = 1’b0; //initialize clk #10 a = 0; #10 a = 1; … always # 50 clk = ~clk; //50 ns clk period (if there is a clock) endmodule
TESTBENCH EXAMPLE `timescale 1ns / 100ps module mux_tb (); reg i0, i1, s; wire o; mux M1 (o, s, i0, i1); initial begin #100 $finish; //end simulation end initial begin //stimulus pattern #10 i0 = 0; i1=0; s=0; #10 i0=1; #10 i0 = 0; i1=1; #10 i0=0; i1= 0; s=1; end endmodule
Mealy Moore machines
Verilog Mealy Machine always @(present_state or x) clr C1 C2 s(t+1) State Register next state s(t) present state z(t) x(t) present input always @(present_state or x) clk always @(posedge clk or posedge clr)
Verilog Moore Machine always @(present_state or x) clr C2 C1 s(t+1) z(t) State Register next state s(t) present state x(t) present input always @(present_state or x) clk always @(present_state or x) always @(posedge clk or posedge clr)
FINITE STATE MACHINES Detect the sequence of 1101
Mealy machines (1/5) module fsm (y, clk, rst_n, x); output y; input clk, rst_n, x; reg [1:0] state_pr, state_nx; reg y; parameter a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, d = 3, dont_care_state = 2’bx, dont_care_out = 1’bx;
Mealy machines (2/5) always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) //state memory begin if (rst_n == 0) state_pr <= a; //default state else state_pr <= state_nx; end
Mealy machines (3/5) always @ (x or state_pr) //combinational part begin CASE (state_pr) a: if (x == 1) begin state_nx = b; y=0; end else if (x == 0) begin state_nx <= a; --optional
Mealy machines (4/5) state_nx = c; y=0; --Mealy machine end b: if (x == 1) begin state_nx = c; y=0; --Mealy machine end else if (x==0) begin state_nx <= a; y=0; --Mealy machine c: if (x == 1) begin state_nx = c; --optional state_nx <= d;
Mealy machines (5/5) d: if (x == 1) begin state_nx = b; y=1; --Mealy machine end else if (x==0) begin state_nx <= a; y=0; --Mealy machine default: begin state_nx = dont_care_state; y <= dont_care_out; endcase endmodule