Research Report – Group project Erik Chevrier Food and Culture Research Report – Group project Erik Chevrier
Instructions 1 – Get into groups according to the topic you choose. 2 – Discuss and refine your topic to be specific. 3 – Write up a preliminary assessment and hand it in on October 31st. 4 – I will give you all feedback about your project. 5 – Complete your project with help from your group members. 6 – Hand in your final project on November 28th.
Pick a Topic 1 – Contribute to the Concordia Student Run Food Groups Research Project. 2 – Begin a food project on campus or in the community. 3 – Conduct research about a community food group. 4 – Choose a topic regarding food and write a literature review. Possible ways to present the project: Write a report Make a video *Can be done as a group or as an individual
Option 1 – Contribute to the Concordia Student Run Food Groups Research Project Conduct research about a food project/issue on campus: A food project that currently exists Food services at Concordia Research about Aramark Residents’ meal plan Food services in other universities Community connections to Concordia food groups Professors at Concordia who research food Help complete food maps Get involved with a food group on campus to perform an ethnography/participatory research project
Grading for Option 1 Students will be graded on the following criteria: 5 points = Research quality – Are your research findings valid and/or reliable? Have you properly analyzed the topic? 2 points = The clarity of the report – Are the arguments clear and concise? Is the report organized properly? Does it respects page limits? 2 points = Usefulness of the report – Does it reach its intended audience and fulfill its role? Does the report use proper voicing for the intended audience? 1 point = Grammar – Has the report been properly proofread? Total = 10 points
Option 2 – Begin a food project on campus or in the community Possible ideas: Start a food group on campus Start a food club under the CSU or CFC Find a food issue on campus to address and begin a campaign Work with one of the food groups on campus to launch a new project with them Start a food project in your community
Grading for Option 2 Students will be graded on the following criteria: 5 points = Did you formulate a proper plan of action, act on the plan, and provide a way for the project to remain viable after the course is done? 2 points = The clarity of the report – Are the arguments clear and concise? Is the report organized properly? Does it respects page limits? 2 points = Usefulness of the report – Does it reach its intended audience and fulfill its role? Does the report use proper voicing for the intended audience? 1 point = Grammar – Has the report been properly proofread? Total = 10 points
Option 3 – Conduct research about a community food group Possible ideas: Community food bank Soup kitchen Community garden CSA farm Organic farm Food coops Incredible Edibles! Le Detour
Grading for Option 3 Students will be graded on the following criteria: 5 points = Research quality – Are your research findings valid and/or reliable? Have you properly analyzed the topic? 2 points = The clarity of the report – Are the arguments clear and concise? Is the report organized properly? Does it respects page limits? 2 points = Usefulness of the report – Does it reach its intended audience and fulfill its role? Does the report use proper voicing for the intended audience? 1 point = Grammar – Has the report been properly proofread? Total = 10 points
Option 4 – Choose a topic regarding food and write a literature review Possible ideas: Organic methods Permaculture Indigenous food practices Indicators of ‘healthy’ food systems Canada’s food policies - New consultations and directions Food sovereignty Food justice Food labeling GMOs Cultured meat
Grading for Option 4 Students will be graded on the following criteria: 5 points = Research quality – Are your sources relevant, valid and reliable? Have you properly analyzed the topic? Do you have at least 10 sources? 2 points = The clarity of the report – Are the arguments clear and concise? Is the report organized properly? Does it respects page limits? 2 points = Usefulness of the report – Does it reach its intended audience and fulfill its role? Does the report use proper voicing for the intended audience? 1 point = Grammar and formatting – Has the report been properly proofread? Total = 10 points