Frozen shoulder Shoulder injections Mr Lee Van Rensburg November 2011 Rheumatology 2006;45:215–221
Overview Introduction Anatomy Clinical Injections
Prevalence Prevalence of shoulder pain - adults 7% overall 26% in elderly Only 20-50% present to primary care 1% of primary care consultations 20% referred to secondary care Over 50% only 1 consultation Rheumatology 2006;45:215–221
Rheumatology 2006;45:215–221
Shoulder pain Common Most get better on own Time Analgesia - NSAID If not better by 3 months refer?
Referral GP 1 Diffuse pain in upper arm, spontaneous onset Hawkins impingement +ve Painful arc Subacromial impingement Physio
Physiotherapy Sees physio - 2 weeks later Physio examines patient - “tendonitis” Starts treatment, pain gets worse Refers back to GP some biceps signs Biceps tendonitis ? Slap tear
Referral GP 2 Unable to sleep Difficult to examine, slightly reduced ROM Weakness of shoulder ? Rotator cuff tear Refer specialist ? Needs MRI
Patient Impingement Tendonitis Problem biceps tendon – SLAP tear Rotator cuff tear Special scan Getting worse Can’t sleep Chew arm off
? Specialist Thank you for the referral Pain in shoulder last 4 - 6 months Limited ROM No External rotation Normal x rays No need for scan FROZEN SHOULDER
Frozen shoulder
VOL. 85-B, No. 6, AUGUST 2003
123 Tests
Supraspinatus - Apley's Scratch Test - Jobes Supraspinatus test - Dawburn's sign - Sherry Party sign - Codman's Sign (Drop Arm Sign) - Rent Test - Zero Degree Abduction Test - Burkhead's Thumbs down & Burkhead's Thumbs up
175 J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2009 Jul-Aug;18(4):529-34
Anatomy Rotator Cuff Muscles
Anatomy Glenoid Labrum
Anatomy Capsule/Glenohumeral Ligaments
Overview Differential Shoulder Assessment Primary care shoulder pain Acromioclavicular disorders Rotator cuff disorders Glenohumeral disorders Frozen shoulder Arthritis Instability Injections
Differential by age < 20 years 20 – 40 years > 40 years Instability Trauma Labral pathology Biceps pathology Tendonitis Frozen shoulder Rotator cuff dz Osteoarthritis Tumor
Shoulder history General Specific Instability Rotator cuff and ACJ Age, dominance, occupation, hobbies General health Specific Pain – sleep, night pain Weakness Stiffness Rx so far Instability Rotator cuff and ACJ Arthritis
Examination Look Feel Move Special Tests COMPARE SIDES
Neck Examination Referred pain Cervical Spine Thoracic Spine Cardiac Disease
Look Muscles Deformity Scapulohumeral rhythm Wasting Winging Malunion Scars ACJ Scapulohumeral rhythm
Scapulo-humeral rhythm Arm Elevation (Abduction) Glenohumeral & Scapulothoracic Jts Variable Contribution Compare sides EXPOSE AND EXAMINE FROM BEHIND
Feel Sternoclavicular joint Clavicle ACJ Trapezius/ parascapula Neck
Move Compare sides (great variation) Passive v Active Loss of Motion - Mechanical - Muscular - Pain Inhibition - Neurological
External rotation
Forward flexion
Internal rotation
Special tests Rotator Cuff Disease Instability
Rotator cuff disease Muscle Strength Impingement ACjt Pathology Biceps Pathology
Supraspinatus Jobe’s
Posterior cuff ER against resistance
Subscapularis Gerber’s
Subscapularis Napolean
Subscapularis Napolean
Impingement Neer’s Painful arc
Impingement Hawkin’s
AC Joint Scarfe’s
Biceps Speed’s
Biceps Yergason’s
Labrum O’Brien’s
Normal X rays
Calcific tendonitis
Normal x rays
…….. Perhaps this patient needs an MRI scan 1961 - 50 1930 - 81 60-69 =30% FTRCT 70-79 = 50% FTRCT 80-89 = 80% FTRCT Age-related prevalence of rotator cuff tears in asymptomatic shoulders; Tempelhof et al; JSES July 1999 (Vol. 8, Issue 4, Pg 296-299
104 shoulders chronic, atraumatic shoulder pain History, physical examination, radiographs 41% had pre evaluation MRI scans Majority of pre-evaluation MRI scans had no impact on the outcome 90% no value Routine pre-evaluation with MRI does not appear to have a significant effect on the treatment or outcome JSES 2005;14:233-237
MRI Atypical Mechanical integrity Rarities Previously prior to surgery Although it hurts your coming to no harm Rarities Previously prior to surgery ALL rotator cuffs arthroscopically
59 YO male Coronal PDFS (T2)
29 YO Lymphoma Steroids Avascular necrosis
36 YO male severe pain
72 YO Male Bilateral shoulder pain 4 Years post hemi Persistent pain Made no better
SHOULDER PAIN Coming from shoulder Instability Rotator cuff, ACJ Referred, neck Instability Rotator cuff, ACJ Impingement Tear (degenerate) Tendonitis (calcific) Glenohumeral Arthritis Frozen shoulder BMJ 2005;331:1124–8
ACJ Pain top of shoulder Pain worst arm abducted 90° Unable to lie on it Point tender ACJ Scarfe’s crossed adduction Reassurance Analgesia Steroid injection Arthroscopic excision
Rotator cuff - Impingement Pain deltoid tuberosity Reaching back, coat, bra Painful arc Impingement No real weakness of cuff Orthotherapy Relative rest NSAID Physiotherapy Steroid injection Arthroscopic Subacromial decompression
Rotator cuff - tear Acute tear Degenerate tear Previously normal Fall or similar Now unable to elevate Passive good elevation ? Earlier surgery Degenerate tear Impingement weakness Orthotherapy Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair
Rotator cuff - calcific Acute pain Chew arm off in night Exclude infection Radiograph Orthotherapy Needle barbotage Arthroscopic decompression and needle barbotage
Glenohumeral Stiff painful shoulder Reduced ROM Similar active and passive No ER Scapulothoracic movement Radiograph Frozen shoulder Arthritis
Frozen shoulder Three phases Symptoms and signs depend on phase Inflammatory phase Frozen phase Thawing phase Symptoms and signs depend on phase Diabetic 2 years
VOL. 85-B, No. 6, AUGUST 2003
Frozen shoulder Treatment Physiotherapy Steroid injection Hydrodilatation Manipulation under anaesthetic Arthroscopic capsular release
Arthroscopic shoulder surgery ASD & ACJ Day case overnight stay 60-80% better ASD sling 2-3 weeks Drive 4-6 weeks Desk top 4-6 weeks Manual work 3 months RCR Tendon healing times Stabilisation Arthroscopic less stiffness
Injections about the shoulder See separate presentation top of the list updated