Event Planning We have looked at the vision, and hazards and defences. All that remains to plan an event is building teams The vision Hazards and defences Hazards and defences Building teams Building teams Slide 1
Building Teams Case Study Who were Gloria’s team members and stakeholders? What mistakes did Gloria make in working with team members and stakeholders? What could she have done to fix those mistakes and increase teamwork with other stakeholders? Slide 2
Building Teams Many people, or organizations, hold a stake in your event. How your work with each stakeholder matters because: Working together towards a shared goal achieves more Teams are more resilient Slide 3
Building Teams Question: who are typical stakeholders for an event? Answer 1: Answer 2: Answer 3: Answer 4: And sometimes… Answer 5: Answer 6: Answer 7: Your participants The field team Your co-leaders Your organization Land managers Parents/guardians Transportation company Other (outfitter, funders, etc.) Slide 4
Building Teams The field team needs to know Objectives Activities Hazards Think of informed consent. Expectations Roles If participants are minors, parents or guardians will need Schedule Equipment Informed consent Slide 5
Your organization, usually requires Building Teams Your organization, usually requires Procedures and policies Risk management Supervision Paperwork Land managers Rules and permits Leave No Trace (or equivalent) Resources that can support your event Slide 6
Building Teams Transportation company needs to know Schedule Plan B Company policy Consider the following with other stakeholders (rental, funder, etc.) Usually a good idea to get agreements in writing. Think of a plan B for unplanned circumstances. Slide 7
How you approach stakeholders matters, consider: Building Teams How you approach stakeholders matters, consider: Communication Barriers to communication Dialogue Shared responsibility Role clarity Delegate to increase investment Feedback Confirms information Increases awareness to better adapt Slide 8
Building Teams Event plan (stakeholders) It is now time to include stakeholders in your event plan. Identify which people and organization have a stake in your event. What information does each stakeholder need? Make a plan to ensure the information is shared with stakeholder. Slide 9
We have now completed the planning portion of the event cycle Event Planning We have now completed the planning portion of the event cycle The Event Reflection Prepares us for Material for Vison Hazards and Defences Stakeholders Event Plan Slide 10