1st things- FIRST Let’s go….. WELCOME Please make sure you are in the correct seat. Any issues please see me. Fold your paper in half length wise (Hot dog) Decorate with your name on it. You will be using these for the next few weeks!! Fill your Facebook page about yourself!! I want to know about you!! In addition, You will need a spiral notebook and a writing utensil (Blue/Black pen or pencil), by next class.. Be in your seat when the bell rings please. Let’s go…..
About Me:
ASL Daily Routine Enter classroom quietly (Level 0-1) Phones need to be silenced and put away once the tardy bell rings. You may use them during brain breaks. PLEASE arrive PREPARED and ON TIME NOTEBOOK/ PENCIL or PEN DAILY Answer Bell Work Questions. Write Challenge questions down. Arrive ready to work and expecting to learn. I promise we will have fun!
Deaf CABs (Culturally Appropriate Behaviors): 1] Voice off: During activities and lessons I expect you to enter the classroom and function in a DEAF setting! *** I want you to learn to rely on what you SEE! *** Signing, note writing, gesturing, etc. is the communication mode that should be utilized most often in class! 2] Eye contact 3] Participate! Be engaged in interactions. 4] RESPECT!
Bell Work is a DAILY activity TARDINESS= no grade for the day WARM-UP may be INTERACTIVE! COPY ME!! Ask for assistance- HELP-ME PLEASE Clarification- N/UNDERSTAND Repetition/slow REPEAT- SLOW Confirm- Correct YN? PLEASE- THANK YOU Questions????
Next Class Make sure to bring spiral notebook and tape (NAME ON BOTH) for next class.