Five tips that will help you increase your score on the ACT ACT FAST FIVE 1 Five tips that will help you increase your score on the ACT
Tip 1: Plug in the answers Plug in each answer and see what works. Eliminate the answer choices that don't work. If you get done with the math test and have time left over go back and plug in your answer to double check yourself.
Tip 2: What sounds right Use your experience with verbal communication to help work out grammar questions that you otherwise won't be able to answer. If something sounds wrong eliminate it.
Tip3: Note the reference On the Science Test... Note the reference in the question. If the question refers to a specific experiment, graph, table, look there immediately to find the answer. Don't waste time re-reading other sections of the passage. If the question makes a reference to two graphs, tables, etc. then remember you must use both to arrive at the answer.
Tip 4: Look out for redundancies It is best to express your ideas in as few well- chosen words as possible. On the ACT English Test, always be alert for repetitive and wordy expressions. On the English Test, you will often have to go back to the beginning of a sentence/paragraph/essay (before the underline part) to check for redundancies.
Tip 5: Apostrophe rules Don't use an apostrophe unless the word shows possession or it is used in a contraction. Make sure the noun actually possesses something. When two nouns possess the same item or idea, the second noun is given the punctuation, not the first.