E-exchange platform and community of practice Dr. Jacqueline Bell CARE
Virtual communication platforms Provides opportunity, across time and space, between members and partners to: 1.Share …. information, knowledge, tools, resources, training models …... lessons learnt – what works, what doesn’t Trainings – calendars… 2. Set up Discussion forums – colleagues, trainees, development of new modules/peer to peer r/vs 3. Collaborate on Databases – trainers, trained …. And more……..
Collective sharing and virtual communication of training – tools, resources IAWG- website IBP Knowledge Gateway for RH (WHO, USAID, UNFPA) http://my.ibpinitiative.org Click subcommunity ‘Training Partnerships Initiative IAWG website www.iawg.net
IBP Knowledge Gateway consortium of over 25 global, regional and national partner organizations working to share best practices in reproductive health worldwide. e-tool which can be used to build online communities of practice. > 4,000 people around the globe participate in over 150 online communities of practice
What can the IBP Knowledge Gateway do for you? Portal to RH information Part of Global network of people working in RH Collaboration with colleagues worldwide Access to evidence-based practices Share experiences and lessons learned. Enables Individuals or groups to set up own online communities of practice.
Example of a Public Page
IAWG IBP site Current Capacity Listserv capacity for member communications and moderated discussions. Electronic library for resources and links. Synchronized editing of documents. Viewable backlog of IAWG announcements, discussions and other posts. Events command for upcoming events. Most all resources posted on the IAWG website are available on the IAWG IBP library.
IAWG IBP site Current Limitations Log-in required -can be a barrier for access – forgetting username/password and if time is constrained Limited visibility, given that resources are not searchable from public search engines such as google. IT system based on WHO/Johns Hopkins University’s Knowledge Gateway platform; little leeway in appearance or commands. Moderator time constraints due to need to prevent circulation of unnecessary messages, such as out-of-office replies. Possibilities with Additional Funding and IT Capacity Addition of new resources on a timely basis.
IAWG on RH in Crises Website Current Capacity -www.iawg.net Minimalist website for low-bandwidth settings. Information hub for IAWG-related events and resources. Easily hosts premade e-learning tools, such as WHO/UNHCR/UNFPA’s Clinical Management of Rape Survivors tool and UNFPA/Save the Children’s ASRH Toolkit.
IAWG on RH in Crises Website Current Limitations No interactive component (blogs, shared files, etc.) given security concerns and lack of managing capacity. Inability to host complex e-learning tools requiring data management (registration, etc.) due to lack of managing and maintenance capacity. Possibilities with Additional Funding and IT Capacity Interactive e-learning with robust structure and maintenance capacity
Sharing of uncoming training events, tools and resources Email sharing to members/partners Collective sharing & viewing - Post on IAWG website for collective view eg http://www.iawg.net/2010/tp.html#resources - Post on IBP TP page eg. SPRINT trainings of Senegal Nov Inter-active Training calendar – being developed by Women’s Commission with Training Partnership http://www.iawg.net/resources/calendar.html - could be housed on www.iawg.net site