Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 COURSE ACCREDITATION STANDARDS Teaching and learning are of high quality Assessment is effective and expected student learning outcomes are achieved
1.2 There are robust internal processes for design and approval of the course of study, which: • provide realistic projections of the demand and resources required for the course of study; • take account of external standards and requirements, e.g. published discipline standards, professional accreditation, input from relevant external stakeholders, and comparable standards at other higher education providers and, • provide for appropriate development of key graduate attributes in students including English language proficiency. [p. 16]
Anon Mother Goose 1950s. Color Lithograph, 76. 5 x 101 Anon Mother Goose 1950s. Color Lithograph, 76.5 x 101.7 cm Linen backed. www.joseflebovicgallery.com/Catalogue/CL_135_2009/Pages/pg07.html
Regulation Flexibility Innovation to be cont .....
Michael Leunig, Outcomes Sydney Morning Herald, 13-14 March, 2010 The Leunig Guide to Learning Outcomes Michael Leunig, Outcomes Sydney Morning Herald, 13-14 March, 2010
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