Why and how should researchers engage with the public GIUSEPPE PELLEGRINI University of Padova Observa Science in Society
What are institution doing in Public Engagement Recent Observa research (Bucchi&Neresini, 2010) population of 129 European research institutes, a sample of 40 [phisycs and biomedicine sector] Public Engagement activities analysis Attention for the public as integral part of the organization or a matter of marginal importance
What are Institution doing in Public Engagement Dimensions: size, human resources, information, ethical issues, PR, collaborative projects, activities, evaluation Websites’ analysis Set of indicators, test organizational strategy Keypoint: no correlation between resources and organization’s size
Comments Marginal role of PE initiatives Scientists’ involvement: recognition and time constraints, training All scientists have to be communicators? Public Engagement: strategy and actions
References - Bucchi M., Neresini F. (2010), Which indicators for the new public engagement activities? An exploratory study of European research, institutionsPublic Understanding of Science - www.observa.it