Chairperson: This person makes sure that everyone is staying on task. Group roles Chairperson: This person makes sure that everyone is staying on task. Reporter: This person will be reporting the group’s ideas back to the class. Writer: This person keeps record of what the group has said. Time keeper: This person makes sure that the group finish on time.
Favourite In your groups read all the openings and choose a favourite opening. Why is it your favourite? Why are the others not your favourite? Are there good parts to the other openings? What are they? Use the highlighter pen to highlight good bits
1) Does anyone know the real me. Do I know the real me 1) Does anyone know the real me? Do I know the real me? Who is the real me? All these questions and more are forever swimming around my head. I may never be sure who the real me is, but this autobiography will hopefully answer some of my questions and yours.
2) I arrived to screaming. What had I done 2) I arrived to screaming. What had I done? The comfy, warm place, I had spent the last nine months in was no more. Instead I was faced with strange faces and even stranger noises. It was the 25th May 2007, I call it my birthday now.
3) Wow, I have arrived. It is the 5th December 2006 3) Wow, I have arrived. It is the 5th December 2006. My mum is crying and my dad is too, they must be happy to see me. If you read on you won’t be bored
4) A new star was born on 4th of February 2005, that being me 4) A new star was born on 4th of February 2005, that being me. I think I should tell you what happened after as it is a lot more interesting.
5) My name is Sophie Jones and I was born on the 30th of December 2009 5) My name is Sophie Jones and I was born on the 30th of December 2009. This autobiography will look at my life. It will excite you and never bore you. That’s a promise.
6) Wheeeeeee was the noise I made as I entered the world 6) Wheeeeeee was the noise I made as I entered the world. My mum says I was a chatterbox from the day I was born that was probably true. My autobiography will hopefully show you all the exciting and boring parts of my life from start to end.
Your opening Now it’s your turn to write an exciting opening for your autobiography. Remember you want your reader to read on so they want to be excited from the beginning. The examples can be used as part of your own opening if you get stuck.