perfidious: adjective


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T E S T S, A L L I E S A N D E N E M I E S B Y : A L O R A, A L F O N S O A N D M A R I C R U Z H E R O ’ S C Y C L E.
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Presentation transcript:

perfidious: adjective definition: deliberately faithless deceitful & untrustworthy

perfidious pronunciation: per-fid-ee-uh s

perfidious synonyms: treacherous deceitful traitorous false disloyal unfaithful duplicitous

perfidious Related forms: adverb perfidiously noun perfidiousness

perfidious The perfidious politician accepted bribes for political favors.

perfidious Jafar is a perfidious schemer who tries to destroy anyone who interferes with his plans to take over the kingdom.

perfidious People must safeguard their accounts against perfidious computer hackers.

perfidiously Some people believe that the government perfidiously ignores the needs of the homeless.

perfidiously Mufasa’s brother Scar perfidiously schemes to take control of the pride in The Lion King.

perfidiousness Sadly, the perfidiousness of cheating can insidiously erode integrity.

perfidiousness Ursula, the villain in The Little Mermaid, is known for her perfidiousness.