FIP/P1-12 A.Y. Dnestrovskiy et al. Integrated modelling of core and divertor plasmas for DEMO-FNS hybrid facility Modelling Edge and divertor plasma by SOLPS4.3 code Core plasma by ASTRA code with IPB(y,2) scaling law Neutral beam by NUBEAM code Neon impurity by STRAHL code Integrated modelling results: neon content scan cNe = ΣnNe/ne 0.02 0.04 GNeut 1019/s 1.46 1.42 1.17 μ 0.3 0.9 1.3 qpk, MW/m2 11.1 7.5 6.4 Fusion:pl-pl / beam-pl 0.85 0.87 1.12 Criteria Neutron yield Gneut > 1019s-1 Peak heat load qpk < 10MW/m2 Not detached and up-down symmetrical divertor plasma μ<1 SOLPS4.3 result scaling laws For boundary conditions For heat balance in SOL plasma A Dnestrovskiy | Gandhinagar | IAEA FEC | October 2018