Forms of Government
Democracy Oligarchy Autocracy/Dictatorship Totalitarian Monarchy Anarchy
Democracy Citizens who are eligible to vote have a say in how the government works.
Types of Democracy Direct Democracy (Pure Democracy): A form of government in which all laws are created by a general vote of society. Representative Democracy (Republic): A form of government in which all eligible citizens vote on representatives to pass laws for them.
Oligarchy The people are ruled by a powerful few Leaders are usually members of wealthy families or the military.
Autocracy/ Dictatorship a single leader has absolute control and unrestricted power opposite of a democracy leader may use force to control the population
Totalitarian A society which is usually ruled by a dictator, and there is very little or no freedom. The government controls almost every aspect of life.
Monarchy Leader is determined through family lines and holds the position for life
Types of Monarchies Absolute Monarchy: A form of government in which the Monarch has absolute power over the people. He/she is not limited by rules or regulations. Limited/Constitutional Monarchy: A form of government in which a monarch agrees to share power with a parliament and abide by a constitution.
Anarchy no government can happen after a civil war in a country, when a government has been destroyed and rival groups are fighting to take its place