Monday, March 19, 2012 Please remember the expectations for entering the room. Copy today’s “I can” statement. Fill out your agenda. Start on your quick read! Thank you! C: 0 (after bell rings) H: quietly ask a neighbor; after bell, raise hand A: independent work M: 0 (after bell rings) P: complete bellringer
Quick Read—Capybara Please do not write on the article! Answer all of your questions on your green sheet. Add numbers 7-9 in the first box.
Evolution of the ______ (through natural selection) Titles Expectations Variation in traits Environmental Influences Differential Reproduction Heredity End Result C: 1.5 H: ask your partner A: individual/partner work M: materials (as needed) P: collaborating with your partner on the assignment
Ender Gauge your understanding of today’s “I can” statement. On the lines underneath, grade your participation for today, justifying the grade with specific reasons.