Career Personality Quiz and Job I-Search


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Presentation transcript:

Career Personality Quiz and Job I-Search A major grade!

Career quiz Follow the directions on the career personality quiz. Determine which category is your most dominate. You will see a list of careers for each category. Choose one or two which seem most interesting to you. You will use this career to complete your I-Search.

Realistic Careers Mechanic Fire fighter Police officer Forester Chef Landscape architect Carpenter Military Athletic trainer Engineer

Investigative Careers Biologist Psychologist Computer programmer Doctor Engineer Pharmacist Mathematician Dietician

Artistic Careers Artist/art teacher Musician Writer Photographer Lawyer Interior designer Television announcer Actor Disc jockey Reporter Architect

Social Careers Social worker Counselor School administrator Teacher Nurse Minister Occupational therapist

Enterprising Careers Business owner Manager Sales person Travel agent Public relations Personnel director Real estate agent Florist

Conventional Careers Accountant Secretary Banker Bookkeeper Math teacher Treasurer Surgical technologist Dental assistant

I-Search You will be going to the library, and using two sources, answering the following questions. Your sources must be ONE book and ONE website, not Wikipedia. What education and/or training must I have for this job? How much money does this job earn? Starting, average and highest salary. What does someone with this job do on an average day?

Product You will turn in your note sheet. You will type your findings in an I-search format but use MLA to set up your page. You will include parenthetical citations in your writing. You will list your two sources in an annotated bibliography.

Goals Review your research skills Strengthen reading and note taking skills Review MLA format Learn or relearn to do parenthetical citations and creating a bibliography Most of all-learn about a career