The New Deal The First New Deal
Vocab List 22 -Polio -Gold Standard -Bank Holiday -Fireside Chats -Ideology Acronyms Meaning only: -FDIC (p 251) -CCC / FERA / PWA / CWA (p 252)
I. Background: FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) wins Election of 1932 Politics - a progressive reformer democrat Polio - a paralyzing disease that no longer exists. He was able to recover from it through WILL AND EXERCISE! First thing he does? Ends Prohibition (21st amendment) Lord knows USA needs a drink now!! + Gov. can tax revenue from sale of alcohol Do not copy: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself… the nation asks for action and action now!” -FDR
Background Video ND
II. First New Deal New Deal = FDR’s promise of the 3 R’s-- Relief, Recovery & Reform Relief = $$$ for those in need Recovery = Programs to fix economy Reform = regulate economy to prevent depression in the future Why is the New Deal split in two? First New Deal are the programs passed before 1935, most in the first 100 days of FDR’s presidency Second New Deal post 1935, focus goes from recovery to reforming economic security
III. Relief Programs: 1) For Banks Emergency banking relief act - licensed banks that were financially sound. SEC - Securities & Exchange Commission - created to regulate the stock market FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corp - government insurance for bank deposits 2) For Farms AAA - Agricultural Adjustment Act - raised farm prices by setting quotas and paying farmers to plant less (lol wut?)
III. Relief Programs (cont…) 3) For the People: NRA - National Industrial Recovery Act - Government planners & business leaders joined forces to create standards for production/prices/conditions PWA - Public Works Administration- $33 Billion for private companies to build schools, highways, dams. CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps - employed 3 million young men built all our national parks CWA - Civilian Works Administration - employed 4 million to build airports, schools and and parks.
Video Dude Drawing New Deal
IV. Supreme Court gets involved The New Deal was almost destroyed by the Supreme Court Struck down the AAA Felt that the President had too much legislative power This is the idea of “Separation of Powers” FDR Responds: Lets “Pack the Court” Proposed law allowing him ability to appoint new supreme court justices if current ones older than 70. Constitutional to do this. 6 justices older than 70 Supreme Court backs down, upholds 2nd new deal laws
V. Was 1st New Deal successful? He showed that in one year, he could change ‘Merica Showed willingness to experiment Banks reopened More people employed Restored spirit of Americans who lost hope.