November 27, 2018 Modern Issues in the U.S. Agenda: NOTES #18: How were rights expanded for other minorities in the U.S.? CIVIL RIGHTS (PART 1) OPEN-NOTES TEST (BASED ON NOTES #s 16–18)
How were rights expanded for other minorities in the U.S.? Notes #18
Before the 1960s, many Hispanic Americans experienced very poor labor conditions as migrant farm workers.
In response, Cesar Chavez created the United Farm Workers labor union in 1966 to improve labor conditions for these migrant farm workers.
Through acts of civil disobedience, Chavez’s labor union was able to gain improved labor conditions for migrant farm workers by the 1970s.
Before the 1990s, people with disabilities in the U. S Before the 1990s, people with disabilities in the U.S. were denied equal access to public facilities.
President George H. W. Bush The American with Disabilities Act was passed in 1990 to eliminate physical barriers for people with disabilities. President George H. W. Bush signing ADA into law (July 26, 1990)
During the 1960s, affirmative action programs were put into practice in the U.S. to promote preference in hiring for minorities to correct past injustices. President Lyndon B. Johnson (1963–1969)
These programs were (and are still) controversial because many critics argued that affirmative action was discriminatory against more qualified people.