Linnaeus University Faculty of Technology Third-cycle Education Doctoral studies
Linnaeus University Linnaeus University was inaugurated on 1st January 2010 A merger of University of Kalmar and Växjö University Campuses in both cities 34,000 students (15,000 full-time equivalents) 2,100 employees 6th largest university in Sweden (number of students)
Five Faculties Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Faculty of Arts and Humanities Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of Technology School of Business and Economics Board of Teacher Education
Research at Linnaeus University MSEK 1500 in turnover, of which MSEK 415 is earmarked for research / PhD research training 156 professors 325 doctoral students, 90 at FTK 52 research subjects, 9 at FTK; Building Technology Chemical Engineering Computer and Information science Forestry Industry Production Systems Maritim Science Mathematics Mathematics Education Physics Therotechnology
Departments at the Faculty of Technology Building Technology Built environment and Energy Computer Science and Media Technology Forestry and Wood Technology Informatics Kalmar Maritime Academy Mathematics and Mathematics Education Mechanical Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Technology in figures The largest Faculty of Linnaeus University 2,700 full-time equivalents and 6,000 students 375 employees 40 professors 90 doctoral students 27 degree programmes 15 advanced programmes, all in English 14 distance programmes 500 single subject courses (150 of them in English) Human resources and industrial management. Företagsavknoppning från forskning (årets uppfinnare, beslutsstödsystem inom underhåll)
General organisation of Post-graduate studies at FTK Faculty of Technology, Dean Staffan Carius, Vice-dean Björn Johannesson Head of the department (Prefekt) Overall responsibility for the work environment FoU Vice Dean, Björn Johannesson Overall quality and organization of the doctoral studies Research Administration and Post-graduate studies, Fredrik Hjorth Administrates issues regarding research and post-graduate studies in the Faculty board Research Secretary, Gisela Prytz-Isgren Administrates issues regarding post-graduate studies in EFU, ISP, Ladok, change of supervisor, dissertation, licentiate seminar etc. Education Administrator, Ingela Wennemark Ladok, support at nailing, dissertation and licentiate seminar EFU – Enheten för forskarutbildning/Committee for PhD-studies
General organisation of Post-graduate studies Doctoral student (different forms of funding) A student who is admitted to a third-cycle programme and carries out educational research in accordance with the general syllabus and the individual study plan Supervisors One principal supervisor and at least one assistant supervisor Assist the doctoral student in becoming an independent researcher Examiner for doctoral students One examiner for each doctoral student The principal supervisor may not be the same person as the examiner Decides which courses will be included in the individual study plan Ensures that the thesis manuscript is reviewed and assessed before the public defense
Contact information for FoU Prodekan, Pro Dean Björn Johannesson 0470-708683 Handläggare, forskning och forskarutbildning, Research administration and Post-graduate studies Fredrik Hjorth 0480-497621 Forskningssekreterare, Research Secretary Gisela Prytz Isgren 0480-497043 Utbildningsadministratör Ingela Wennemark, Education Administrator Ingela Wennemark 0470-708050
Important documents Higher Education Act (Högskolelag) Higher Education Ordinance (Högskoleförordning) Local regulations for Third-cycle Education programmes!Local_regulations_third-cycle_education_programmes.pdf Handbook for Post-graduate students, Processes for education at Third-cycle Education at FTK
Curriculum for Third-cycle studies, Allmän studieplan (ASP) A general study syllabus is required for each subject in which Third-cycle programmes are offered. You always are admitted to the latest version of the ASP. Description of the subject and specializations The programme’s objectives Entry requirements and selection criteria for admission The programme’s organisation and content Possibility to obtain licentiate degree Credits awarded to the thesis and courses Course requirements, compulsory courses The requirements for thesis (monograph, compilation) Description of the quality assurance process for the thesis work
Thesis and courses – Examples Subject Thesis credits/hp Course credits/hp Compulsory courses Computer and Information Science 150 90 Philosophy of Science 4 hp Physics 150 - 180 60 - 90 Philosophy of Science/Ethics 4 hp Physics and Mathematics 30 hp Wood Technology 160 - 180 60 - 80 Philosophy of Science/Ethics/Methodology
Individual Study Plan, Individuell studieplan (ISP) The ISP is a document between the PhD-student and LnU. According to the Higher Education Ordinance, HP, Chapter 6, § 29 the supervisor and PhD-student need to establish an ISP. In connection with the follow-up, FoU invites the PhD-student and supervisor to a short meeting. Revision at the end of the year. An Individual Study Plan (ISP) shall be drawn up for each doctoral student and adopted after consultation with the doctoral student and his/hers supervisor The ISP includes a plan for how to complete the studies within the given time-frame, 4 years for PhD or 2 years for licentiate degree The ISP describes how the responsibility is shared between the doctoral student and the supervisors The ISP is revised and reviewed regularly, once a year If any major changes should occur in the studies, the ISP should be updated as soon as possible and the new time-table should be confirmed
Miscellaneous Activity report Change of supervisor/examiner and subject area Send an application to the EFU Ryggsäck – extra funding for conferences, literature etc. Total of 40 000 SKr during the Ph.D. studies. If you study full-time, the usual amount is 10 000 SKr per year Employment - Each department has its own HR-partner. They have their own introduction for new employees, see: - - The doctoral group Introduction by your department Administrative routines and all documents at the web
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