Achievement Award Sofie For exploring a sensory tray to reveal her photo underneath. Well done Sofie! Date: 15th September 2017
Achievement Award Evie For exploring a sensory tray to reveal her photo underneath. Well done Evie! Date: 15th September 2017
Achievement Award Luke For trying school dinners and finding different foods that he likes. Well done Luke! Date: 15th September 2017
Achievement Award Sienna For consistently writing her name clearly when signing in, forming all the letters correctly. Well done Sienna! Date: 15th September 2017
Achievement Award TJ For working hard on his physiotherapy programme with a friend. Well done TJ! Date: 15th September 2017
Achievement Award Daniel For excellent effort in his swimming lesson - doing more than 10 lengths of the pool whilst trying hard to kick with a float. Well done Daniel! Date: 15th September 2017
Achievement Award Leland For fantastic work in English - remembering spaces between all of his words and punctuation. Well done Leland! Date: 15th September 2017
Achievement Award Tiarna For wearing her school uniform and following her ‘now and next’ book during her morning routine. Well done Tiarna! Date: 15th September 2017
Achievement Award Lesra For remembering the tidy up song, even showing Sarah where it was and putting it on instead of the song version she was using. Well done Lesra! Date: 15th September 2017
Achievement Award Ronnie For excellent speaking in French. Ronnie was able to say “Hello, my name is Ronnie and I am 13 years old”. Well done! Date: 15th September 2017
Achievement Award Matthew For being confident on the boat at QE2 Activity Centre. Well done Matt! Date: 15th September 2017
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Neal For using signs and speech at dinner time in the hall to request different food items. Well done Neal! Date: 15th September 2017
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Danyl For consistently using PECS to make requests during snack using a full sentence and for being aware when items are not available. Well done Danyl! Date: 15th September 2017
Communicator of the Week edsd Communicator of the Week Demi-Lee-Mea For using signs and anticipating who comes next during the parachute activity. Well done Demi! Date: 15th September 2017