Better Local Care Vanguard (South Hampshire) Better Local Care is a growing partnership of around 30 GP practices, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust and local commissioners based in Hampshire. It aims to provide better access, experience and outcomes for patients closer to their homes. This means fewer people will need to go to hospital, and more will be supported to take control over their own health and wellbeing. Better Local Care is joining things up so one extended team of health, social care, third sector and GP colleagues support the same local population. This will increase people’s access the right professional at the right time, including specialists – with fewer unnecessary appointments in between. Three such teams have come together, supporting a combined population of around 220,000 people, with more teams set to follow in the coming months.
Better Local Care Vanguard (South Hampshire) By working in this way, health and care professionals will have more time to support people who are most at risk of worsening health and wellbeing. We know people who use services are experts too. A big part of Better Local Care is finding new ways to collaborate with users and carers so new care models really work for them and their families.