Strict adherence to the Commuting Policy HSE LEARNING INCIDENT: The deceased was 30 years old working as a Junior electrician on Rig 81 for Weatherford Drilling International. The deceased was travelling alone in his private vehicle from Ibra to join his crew for duty after his 2 weeks field break when he collided with the rear of a water tanker that was ahead and signaling to turn left. The deceased was taken to the Mukhaizna Oxy clinic by a member of the public but he was pronounced dead there at mid-day. CAUSES: Driving at excessive speed. Use of private vehicle to commute to work. Intentional violation of Weatherford commuting policy. Improper motivation for the deceased to use his private vehicle LEARNINGS: Do not undertake any unauthorized journey. Only use company approved transportation to worksite. Speed kills, please adhere to the legal speed limits. Prompt further understanding of personal urgencies with your supervisor. Key Learning: Strict adherence to the Commuting Policy Fatality Use this Alert: Discuss in Tool Box Talks and HSE Meetings Distribute to contractors Post on HSE Notice Boards Include in site HSE Induction Contact: MSE541 for further information or visit the HSE Website Learning No 10 14th March 2013