Take out your character chart for “Gift of the Magi.” As you enter class... Take out your character chart for “Gift of the Magi.”
Bell Ringer What did you think of the ending? Was it good, bad, weak, strong? Why do you think this?
What kind of person is Della? What adjectives did you use to describe her?
What is irony?
Irony, defined. Verbal Irony: When a person says what they do not mean or responds to someone in the opposite way they should. Often appears as sarcasm. Situational Irony: When the exact opposite of what we expect to happen occurs.
Example 1 How is this ironic? I laugh when you receive a failing grade, only to see my test with an F on it.
Example 2 How is this ironic? I post on Facebook about how worthless social media is.
Now, apply it to “Gift of the Magi” On the left side, I have given you evidence. In the middle column, tell us how it is ironic.
Finally, in the right column... Tell us what theme, message, or lesson is learned from this example of irony.
One more thing! On the sticky note, write what you think the OVERALL THEME of the story is. Write your name on the back!