Officership and Professional Standards C/Col Kara R McRorey OTS - Spring 2017
“The whole purpose of education [a leader] is to turn mirrors into windows.” -Sydney J. Harris
What is Officership? A mindset Big Picture Thinking Indirect Leadership Communication Responsibility
What is Officership? A Genuine Care Self-Awareness Management of Emotions Self-Motivation Empathy for Others Interpersonal Skills
First Steps Start to Ask Questions Develop a Larger Mindset Find a mentor Be a mentor Become involved Explore your responsibilities
What is Professionalism? A standard: 1) an established requirement “The competent manner and good conduct in which one completes their job and displays a good example in front of others.” “The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.”
Who is a professional? Skilled -You have a job and you know how to do it. Whether you are a skilled janitor or a skilled CEO, you still meet the first criteria. Selfless -You exemplify volunteer service and are not afraid to go out of your way to help others. Ethical -You hold both yourself and your peers to a strict ethical code. Whatever your beliefs are, you still stand firm. “A professional is someone who can do his best work even when he doesn’t fell like it.” –Alistair Cooke
The Professional Communicator How many ways do we communicate? Emails Text Facetime Writing Speeches Talking on the phone Etc. Which of these are the most professional? What sets the Officer apart is how they use these tools to communicate.
It Is Not All Actions The way you look is part of professionalism. Your uniform should perfect every time you put it on. “Perception is everything” Posture Presentation Tone Body Language Word Choice
A Little Too Much of Any Good Thing… “Throughout my life, I have valued relationships far more than the professionalism.” - Karan Johar People First Balance is essential to success “It’s not the job you do, it’s how you do the job.” –anonymous
Why does it matter? We are the Civil Air Patrol. We are the people junior cadets will learn from and emulate. It is our job to run the Cadet Program. We set the standard. To get the job done and to encourage others to do so. To gain and hold you subordinates respect. What else?
Remember… “Professionalism is knowing how to do it, when to do it and doing it.” -Frank Tyger