WRITING using EVIDENCE Me…Teacher You…Student
Punctuation Can Save Lives Let’s eat Grandpa! Let’s eat, Grandpa!
Close Reading Discussions 2 Minutes I want to switch the Instructional Mode here from Teacher Directed, Whole Class to Teacher Directed Group. So, talk at your tables about why there is a bridge on this slide. Ask for 1 or 2 tables to share out. Again, we will make an Instructional Mode shift, same lesson, from Teacher Directed Group back to Teacher Directed, Whole Class. When we met in February, we experienced a close reading activity that was supported by text dependent questions and question stems that I call evidence enforcers. You as my students had to identify and articulate the text evidence that supported your thinking, your claims about Joseph. The thinking I’d like us to revisit here is this. We begin this journey using evidence by first, exposing students to rich, complex text and giving them lots of opportunity to discuss, talk about the evidence that support their assertions, speculations and inferences about what the text means. It is our hope that when students have repeated opportunities to practice talking about evidence, that they will be able to transfer that skill, with ease and comfort, and be able to use those same types of proof and evidence in their writing. So, the rich discussions held after a close read are the bridges to writing using evidence. Writing Using Evidence
Provide actionable feedback Listen actively with intent, one voice at a time Recognize and celebrate success Accept different dispositions and positions What is learned here is shared 3 Minutes Back to Teacher Directed Whole Group Instructional Mode. PARAPHRASE Discussion is at the heart of learning. Have 2 or 3 volunteers share out. Thumbs up or down – how did you feel after the last learning discussion we had on our close read of Chief Joseph? Who remembers the discussion protocols we used with the close read of Chief Joseph? SLANT So, I would ask us again to honor those discussion norms as we move through this lesson. As the facilitator for this lesson, I will move our conversations forward by listening with intent. Colleagues will be counting on you as well to engage in active listening and monitor your use of technology. MET3 The goal isn’t to agree on everything but to accept different dispositions and positions. Disagreements foster learning. SEM2 You will learn a lot today and we hope you will share what you learn with colleagues at your school. SEM8 Colleagues need you to give feedback that is actionable, rather than vague or general. SEM8 We are here to recognize and celebrate your successes and those of your colleagues! MOT4
Lean in, look at, listen actively Act interested Discussion Protocols Sit/stand up straight Lean in, look at, listen actively Act interested Nod, up/down=yes, left/right=no Take turns talking 1 Minute REPOST THE SLANT Protocols Because Discussion is the heart of learning, it is critical to have established discussion routines. Remember when I expect my students to use these, then I will inspect you during your discussion to make sure you are. Always inspect what you expect! We will SLANT today during our writing using evidence discussions.
Lesson Objective While actively listening to and looking at complex text and its text supports, the student will record at least two evidence examples for each of the 6 character traits on the evidence record keeper. 1 Minute Today’s text for our writing using evidence is NO DAVID, by David Shannon. It is not a difficult text, but it is complex. In fact, it is what we call a picture book. Who remembers the symbol we used to associate with complex text? Yes, an onion, where layers can be pulled back to expose deeper meaning. The lesson objective for today is to find text evidence, the traits, that describes David’s character. Lets switch from Teacher Directed, Whole Group to Teacher Directed Group Instructional Mode. First of all, turn to your elbow partner and discuss what a character trait is - Character traits are all the aspects of a person's behavior and attitudes that make up that person's personality. Everyone has character traits, both good and bad. Even characters in books have character traits. Character traits are often shown with descriptive adjectives, like patient, loving or jealous Before we leave this slide, take out the Evidence Record Keeper handout (show a copy).
Evidence Record Keeper SILLY___ridiculous_____ GROSS_______________ NAUGHTY___________ MESSY_______________ IMAGINATIVE________ BAD MANNERED___________ 8 Minutes Materials Evidence Record Keeper 1 Minute I am bringing you back to Teacher Directed Whole Group. Let’s take a moment to explore our understanding of each character trait to make sure we all share a common thinking of what each means. We can accomplish that by trying to think of at least 1 synonym, a word familiar to us, to match each of the traits listed on this page. Let’s do one together. Look at first box and the trait is - Silly. For example, a synonym for Silly might be senseless, crazy, ridiculous, so, I would write that synonym on the line provided. 5 Minutes Now, I want to change the Instructional Mode from Teacher Directed Whole Group to student directed. Take your worksheet with you and find a colleague from another school to brainstorm with and jot down 1 or 2 synonyms for the remaining 5 character traits. 2 Minutes I am again changing the Instructional Mode back from student led to Teacher Directed, Whole Group. Share Out Ask for volunteers to provide synonyms. Possible Answers may include Gross – icky, offensive, yucky Naughty – badly behaved, improper Messy – sloppy, disorganized, disheveled Imaginative – creative, fanciful, dreamy Bad Mannered – rude, impolite Super, it appears we have a common, shared understanding of this vocabulary for character traits.
And Looking ACTIVELY ? 1 Minute PARAPHRASE In today’s lesson, I will read aloud a terrific, complex, layered with meaning, text. Because you will not have your own copy, you will need to be an ACTIVE LISTENER while I read this story. So, will someone share what it means to be an active listener? Ask for 1 or 2 volunteers. Answer Putting the message, ideas and feelings you have perceived from the message into words. Active Listening and Looking is technique of communication and observation that requires the listener and looker to understand, interpret and evaluate what he or she hears and sees. During today’s read aloud, not only will you focus on the spoken words but listen for my tone and inflection, and pay attention to the text supports, namely the rich illustrations in this picture book.
On the EVIDENCE RECORD KEEPER, take notes of the EVIDENCE that prove David has these CHARACTER TRAITS; Naughty Bad Mannered Imaginative 10 Minutes Materials No, David book Evidence Record Keeper As I read NO DAVID aloud, on your evidence record keeper, take notes in each of the boxes, that detail the evidence that David has any or all of these 6 character traits. I want you to take good accurate notes because your notes will help you with today’s writing using evidence prompt. Know that I will read the story aloud 2 x, to make sure that as ACTIVE LISTENERs you were able to gather all the evidence needed for your writing. Note that for this lesson segment, we have a combination of INSTRUCTIONL MODES – teacher directed whole group and independent practice. Messy Silly
Writing Prompt 1) Stake a claim about whether you would or would not want David to be your friend. 2) Write 1 paragraph that explains why you WOULD or WOULD NOT like David to be your friend. 3) Use your Evidence Record Keeper to find at least two evidence examples to help convince a reader about your claim. 15 Minutes Materials Writing Prompt Handout You will now make another Instructional Mode transition – to Independent Practice. Writing Prompt 1) Stake a claim about whether you would or would not want David to be your friend. 2) Write 1 paragraph that explains why you WOULD or WOULD NOT like David to be your friend. 3) Use your Evidence Record Keeper to find at least two evidence examples to help convince a reader about your claim.
Peer Feedback Glows and Grows 1) Form groups of three Peer Feedback Glows and Grows 1) Form groups of three. 2) Pass your “David” paragraph to the person on your right. 3) Read the paragraph passed to you. 4) On a sticky note, write 1 positive “glow” comment, give 1 reflective “grow” comment. 5) Repeat. 20 Minutes Materials Sticky Notes Read directions, take any clarifying questions. Share this STICKY NOTE example – Glow – I kind of understand why you DO want David as your friend. Grow – you had two good pieces of evidence, add 2 more to really convince me!
Personal Competencies Which one tells us about what the student knows? Which one tells us about how the student learns? Which tells us about how the student relates? Which one tells us why the student learns? 2 Minutes You have been introduced to 4 areas of Personal Competency. Let’s see if we can name them., and I am looking to use 1 of the big 3 strategies - CHORAL RESPONSE – After I ask question, I will raise my hands like this to prompt your response. Which one tells us about what a student knows? COGNITIVE Which one tells us about how a student learns? METACOGNOTIVE Which tells us about a student relates? SOCIAL EMOTIONAL Which one tells us why a student learns? MOTIVTIONAL
BASIC LESSON Design Components Objective 10 Minutes Materials Peer Feedback Form for Basic Lesson Design The NO DAVID lesson had the necessary BASIC LESSON components – those that you find on the Peer Feedback form – make sure you have a copy for reference at hand. Lets review those. The lesson had an objective – who remembers? to identify evidence that infers a character’s traits Yes, you learned to analyze a character, namely David, and provide text evidence that helped infer or draw conclusions about him based on what he did and did not do. The lesson had a variety of Instructional Modes; Who remembers when the lesson was Teacher Directed Whole Class where I was teacher, you were student? When teacher gave the directions and read the book aloud. And when we compared our evidence findings Who remembers when the lesson was independent practice? where you each independently recorded your evidence as I read NO DAVID aloud and when we wrote our paragraphs defending our claims with at least two pieces of evidence about whether or not we would like David as our friend. Who remembers when the lesson included student directed groups? where you shared your writing with two others and they gave you feedback about whether you had convinced them that David would or would not be a desirable friend. Who remembers when the lesson was Teacher Directed Group? where we had elbow partners to discuss the meaning of character traits Anybody think of an Instructional Mode that this lesson did not include? Homework The lesson also included other components like; Resources and Materials in the form of the Evidence Record Keeper, the Writing Prompt Handout, the SLANT Discussion Protocol Poster, and the accommodation for those who needed an auditory description of the picture book and/or scribe to complete the Evidence Record Keeper and Writing Assignment. So, that was the basic lesson. Instructional Mode Other Components
How and in what segment was the basic lesson enhanced? COGNITIVE – COG3, COG5 METACOGNITIVE – MET3 15 Minutes 3 Minutes First, would anyone like to make a guess as to what the green icon, repeated 4 times, is on this slide? That’s right, it is and indicator signal, mush like the one you see on the dashboard of a car for a turn signal or headlight. Knowing what you now know about the four areas of Personal Competencies, I think we can now apply that knowledge to the NO DAVID writing using evidence lesson we just completed. Now, I want you to think about and recall what you and I did through this lesson, the activities, that elevated a basic lesson to an enhanced lesson. Take out your INDICATORS for ENHANCING PERSONAL COMPETENCIES Handout. For practice, let’s do the first one together, so we will remain in the Teacher Directed Whole Group Instructional Mode. Find indicator MET 3, circled in red on the slide, on your handout. Under what Personal Competency does it fall? Answer : Metacognition Class, what is Metacognition? Answer: How the Student Learns Ask for a volunteer to read aloud MET 3 Teaching specific learning strategies and techniques, such as active listening, note-taking, strategic reading, organization of content, access to resources, research, questioning, memorization (mnemonics), outlining, practice, analytical thinking, self-monitoring, and test preparation. Met 3 is an enhancement indicator, so, using this enhancement indicator as a guide, was there any point in the basic lesson that moved it from basic to enhanced I as described in the language of MET3? Answer: Listened actively to the read aloud, took notes on David’s character traits, practiced some parts before we did on our own, thought analytically about why or why not I would want David to be my friend. 6 Minutes Now, individually, so we are transitioning from Teacher Directed Whole Group to Independent Practice, take ONE of the remaining enhancement indicators, and on a sticky note describe how and in what segment the basic lesson became enhanced. Seek 1 or 2 volunteers to name how and in what segment the basic lesson was enhanced. POSSIBLE ANSWERS COG 3: Including vocabulary development (general vocabulary and terms specific to the subject) as learning objectives. Answer: reviewed character traits vocab to establish common understanding for silly, gross, naughty, messy, imaginative, poor mannered COG 8: Using writing assignments to connect new learning with prior learning and deepen understanding. Answer: The one paragraph writing assignment, writing synonyms for the character traits MOT 7: Includes student choice in assignments or topics. Answer: learner was able to choose Yes or No I would like David to be my friend. SEM 2: Teaching and reinforcing specific pro-social skills. Answer: Highlighting desirable friend qualities using David as the model, providing lots of interaction time with peers, glow and grow feedback to fellow writers SOCIAL EMOTIONAL – SEM2 MOTIVATIONAL – MOT4