US Relationship with the Rest of the World By: Collin Green
Introduction The United States foreign policy, and through extension its relationship with the rest of the world, drastically changed many times throughout history. When the country first formed it was weak, but as time passed it grew into a strong powerful nation.
American Revolution Americas First international dealings were trying to break free of foreign rule Alliance of 1778 with France Treaty of Paris, 1783 U.S. was alone Was a weaker country that had good resources so other countries wanted to take it over No countries in an easy position to help them
Treaty of Paris
Isolationism United States kept to itself Needed to build up its economy and government Didn't want to be threatened by a foreign power Avoiding War with France Didn't want to get stuck with any entangling alliances Civil War World watched as we fought against ourselves South was always hopeful of foreign intervention to help them win the war Reconstruction Went back to keeping to ourselves
Expansion/Imperialism United States started to look outward to build itself up U.S. became involved in some smaller wars that we used to gain territory Spanish American War Gained Puerto Rico, Guam, protection of Cuba, and bought Philippines for $20 Million Manifest Destiny Idea that the U.S. was supposed to stretch from ocean to ocean Louisiana Purchase added on much of western United States Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Gave United States California, Nevada, Utah, and most of Colorado, Arizona, Wyoming and New Mexico Also confirmed the American title to Texas Roosevelt Corollary/Big Stick Policy Used Americas wealth and power to "protect" other Western Hemisphere countries. Panama Canal Intervened in Panama and helped spur a rebellion to get what we wanted
Spanish American War
Expansion/Imperialism Teller Amendment Said that we would stay out of Cuba and let them control themselves Platt Amendment Went against Teller Amendment and gave the US the right to intervene to keep
WWI-Wilson's 14 Points Tried to stay out of the War at first Zimmerman note pulled us into the war on the Allies side US helped out war effort a lot-Wilson became a hero Tried to use his popularity to get his 14 point plan used Tried to fix all of the international problems Freedom of the Seas Creation of a Free Market for the world Open Democracy Reduce Military Forces League of Nations Ended up rejecting the Treaty of Versailles
League of Nations
Isolationism-again Tried to keep to ourselves as much as possible Main foreign relations had to do with the debts countries owed us after WWI The only thing Europe could agree on was not paying us back Neutrality Acts Designed to keep us out of WWII when it was starting
WWII Appeasement Tried to keep both sides happy as long as we could Were pulled into WWII after Pearl Harbor Fought with the Allies again Had to fight in both the European Campaign and the Pacific Campaign Good Neighbor Policy
Cold War Policy of Containment Main policy throughout the Cold War for dealing with Communism Massive Retaliation First method of response to Communist threat Called for extreme measures right away. Flexible Response Second method of response to Communist threat Had a variety of different ways we could respond depending on the threat Downside was it led to less Diplomatic Solutions-Quicker to fire NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization Korean War Cuban Missile Crisis S.D.I. (Star Wars) Vietnam War
Cold War Map
Conclusion As you can see The United States of America started as a weaker country doing its best to avoid conflicts and issues with other countries as it grew and expanded. Eventually it became one of the leading, powerful nations in the world. This drastic change from isolationist to interventionist is one of the main factors shaping American history.