INVESTIGATION OF THE BEHAVIOR OF PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS IN JAPAN SEA Masahiro TSURUKAWA 1, Motoharu SUZUKI2, Sachiko ABE 3, Toshihiro OKUNO1, Syusuke TAKEMINE1, Chisato MATSUMURA1, Takeshi NAKANO1, Masayuki KUNUGI4 1 Hyogo Prefectural Institute of Environmental Sciences , 2 Kobe University, 3 Hyogo Environmental Advancement Association, 4 Tokyo University of Science
Sampling amount 50L (0.5 L/min) Sampling method Sampling amount 50L (0.5 L/min) ASKA-Ⅱ Glass fiber filter paper (GC-50H) Air sampling Seawater sampling Adsorbent column (PUF+ACF×3) Glass fiber filter paper(GB- 100R)+adsorbent column Total amount 108 m3 ( 300 L/min,6hr)
HCHs Relatively high in the north of Japan Sea ・Isomer pattern and concentration level differ depending on each ocean area (β>α>γ in the Pacific Ocean , α>>γ>β in the Atlantic Ocean) 2009’s survey Dumping zone of Korea Prior suvey (2004~2007)
Distribution of HCHs concentration in surface sea water (2010) Ave. 2300
Southwest Sakhalin Downstream site of Chang Jiang Relationships between α/γ-HCH ratio and the latitude of sampling points
EF value of HCH(2005-2010) Downstream site of Chang Jiang Southwest Sakhalin