Queues What is a Queue? Queue Implementations: As Array As Circular Array As Linked List Applications of Queues Queues for Simulation Priority Queues
What is a queue? Queues are linear data structures in which we add elements to one end and remove them from the other end. The first item to be en-queued is the first to be de-queued. Queue is therefore called a First In First Out (FIFO) structure. Queue operations: Enqueue Dequeue GetHead
What is a queue? Rear Front 3 1 4 Given the following Queue, how will it change when we apply the given operations? enqueue(1); 3 1 4 enqueue(5); 3 1 4 5 dequeue(); 1 4 5 dequeue(); 4 1 5 dequeue(); 1 5
Queue Implementation In our implementation, a queue is a container that extends the AbstractContainer class and implements the Queue interface. We provide three implementations for Queue QueueAsArray QueueAsCircularArray QueueAsLinkedList public interface Queue extends Container{ public abstract Object getHead(); public abstract void enqueue(Object obj); public abstract Object dequeue(); }
QueueAsArray Complexity is O(...) public class QueueAsArray extends AbstractContainer implements Queue { protected Object[] array; protected int rear = 0; protected int size; public QueueAsArray(int size) { array = new Object[size]; this.size = size; } public void purge(){ int index = 0; while(count > 0){ array[index] = null; index++; count--; rear = 0; Complexity is O(...)
QueueAsArray (Cont.) public Object getHead(){ if(count == 0) throw new ContainerEmptyException(); else return array[0]; } public void enqueue(Object obj){ if(count == size){ throw new ContainerFullException(); else{ array[rear++] = obj; count++; Complexity is O(...) Complexity is O(...)
QueueAsArray (Cont.) public Object dequeue(){ if(count == 0) throw new ContainerEmptyException(); else { Object obj = array[0]; count--; for(int k = 1; k <= count; k++) array[k - 1] = array[k]; rear--; return obj; } Complexity is O(...)
QueueAsArray (Cont.) public Iterator iterator() { return new Iterator() { int index = 0; public boolean hasNext(){ return index < count; } public Object next(){ if(index == count) throw new NoSuchElementException(); else { Object obj = array[index++]; return obj; };
QueueAsCircularArray Implementation By using modulo arithmetic for computing array indexes, we can have a queue implementation in which each of the operations enqueue, dequeue, and getHead has complexity O(1) Enqueue(“P”) will result in …
QueueAsCircularArray Implementation (Cont.) Dequeue() will result in
QueueAsCircularArray public class QueueAsCircularArray extends AbstractContainer implements Queue { protected Object[] array; protected int front = 0; protected int rear = 0; protected int size; public QueueAsCircularArray(int size) { array = new Object[size]; this.size = size; } public void purge(){ int index = front; while(count > 0){ array[index] = null; index = (index + 1) % size; count--; front = rear = 0; Complexity is O(...)
QueueAsCircularArray public Object getHead(){ if(count == 0) throw new ContainerEmptyException(); else return array[front]; } public void enqueue(Object obj){ if(count == size) throw new ContainerFullException(); else { array[rear] = obj; rear = (rear + 1) % size; count++; public Object dequeue(){ if(count == 0)throw new ContainerEmptyException(); Object obj = array[front]; front = (front + 1) % size; count--; return obj; Complexity is O(...) Complexity is O(...) Complexity is O(...)
QueueAsCircularArray public Iterator iterator(){ return new Iterator() { int index = front; int counter = 0; public boolean hasNext(){ return counter < count; } public Object next(){ if(counter == count) throw new NoSuchElementException(); else { Object obj = array[index]; index = (index + 1) % size; counter++; return obj; };
QueueAsLinkedList Complexity is O(...) Complexity is O(...) public class QueueAsLinkedList extends AbstractContainer implements Queue { protected MyLinkedList list; public QueueAsLinkedList(){list = new MyLinkedList();} public void purge(){ list.purge(); count = 0; } public Object getHead(){ if(count == 0) throw new ContainerEmptyException(); else return list.getFirst(); Complexity is O(...) Complexity is O(...)
QueueAsLinkedList public void enqueue(Object obj){ list.append(obj); count++; } public Object dequeue(){ if(count == 0) throw new ContainerEmptyException(); else { Object obj = list.getFirst(); list.extractFirst(); count--; return obj; Complexity is O(...) Complexity is O(...)
QueueAsLinkedList public Iterator iterator() { return new Iterator() { MyLinkedList.Element position = list.getHead(); public boolean hasNext(){ return position != null; } public Object next(){ if(position == null) throw new NoSuchElementException(); else{ Object obj = position.getData(); position = position.getNext(); return obj; };
Application of Queues Direct applications Waiting lines: Queues are commonly used in systems where waiting line has to be maintained for obtaining access to a resource. For example an operating system may keep a queue of processes that are waiting to run on the CPU. Access to shared resources (e.g., printer) Simulation of real-world situations, e.g., determine how many tellers to have in order to serve each customer within “reasonable” wait time. Multiprogramming Indirect applications Auxiliary data structure for algorithms Component of other data structures
Queues for Simulations (1) Problem Statement: To simulate the flow of customers through a checkout line: (Edited from http://www.cs.uregina.ca/Links/class-info/210/Queue/) The objective is to try to reduce the number of tellers in away that, “most probably”, customers would have to wait a maximum of x minutes before getting served. Assume that Every minute, 0, 1, or 2 customers will need to be served in a checkout line. The expected service time for a customer is 1 minute. There is one checkout line available. Find the number of customers not served, so far, after n minutes of service.
Queues for Simulations (2) initialize the queue to empty. for ( minute = 0 ; minute < n ; minute++ ) { if (the queue is not empty) remove the customer at the front of the queue; compute a random number k between 0 and 3; if (k == 1) add one customer to the queue; else if (k == 2) add two customers to the queue; } // else if(k == 0) or (k == 3) do not add // any customer to the queue
Priority Queues In a normal queue, the enqueue operation adds an item at the end of the queue, and the dequeue operation removes an item from the front of the queue. A priority queue is a queue in which the dequeue operation removes an item from the front of the queue; but the enqueue operation inserts items according to their priorities. A higher priority item is always enqueued before a lower priority element. An element that has the same priority as one or more elements in the queue is enqueued after all the elements with that priority.